Posts By: chirolane

Low-Dose Aspirin Cuts Type 2 Diabetes Risk in Over-65s (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Low-Dose Aspirin Cuts Type 2 Diabetes Risk in Over-65s Low-dose aspirin reduces the risk for type 2 diabetes among older adults and slows the increase in fasting glucose levels over time, new research finds. The data come from a secondary analysis of ASPREE, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of healthy adults aged 65 years or older, showing that 100 mg… Read more »

How to protect your child from a peanut allergy (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK How to protect your child from a peanut allergy  An estimated 2.5% of kids in the U.S. contend with a peanut allergy and around 100 children a year die from an anaphylactic reaction to the legume. Two warning signs that a child may be allergic to peanuts are if he or she has an… Read more »

FODMAP Diet for Digestive Problems 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK FODMAP Diet for Digestive Problems What Are FODMAPs? They are a group of carbohydrates that’s in lots of foods, from fruits to meats to dairy. Most people eat them with no problem. But some can’t absorb or digest FODMAPs well. They stay around in your stomach or intestines and feed the bacteria. This can… Read more »

Fat-Fighting Foods 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Fat-Fighting Foods Greek Yogurt Greek yogurt has almost twice as much protein as other yogurts. It takes longer to leave your stomach, keeping you satisfied longer. Plus, you burn more calories digesting protein than carbs. Choose nonfat, low-fat, and low-sugar types. Quinoa Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is a nutritional all-star that belongs in your weight… Read more »

Vitamin D and your skin (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Vitamin D and your skin The ongoing D-bate about what vitamin D can and cannot do for you makes it hard to know if it’s smart to take D3 as a supplement. (It is.) You’ve probably heard that studies show it doesn’t reduce asthma attacks or statin-induced muscle pain or prevent fractures associated with… Read more »

Recommending Turmeric for Much More Than Pain Relief 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Recommending Turmeric for Much More Than Pain Relief Ajay Goel, PhD, AGAF WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW In addition to relieving pain, curcumin can protect the cardiovascular system, reduce gastrointestinal inflammation, alleviate symptoms of depression, and defend against tumor formation. A clinically studied curcumin that is blended with turmeric essential oil helps it absorb… Read more »

Longevity Factors 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Longevity Factors As reported at Nutrition 2023, data from 2011 to 2019 on more than 700,000 U.S. veterans ages 40 to 99 found that you can live 24 years longer if you adopt eight everyday habits.  They are: being physically active, being free from opioid addiction, not smoking, managing stress, eating healthfully, not regularly… Read more »

Air Pollution May Raise Risk of Several Cancers, Study Finds 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Air Pollution May Raise Risk of Several Cancers, Study Finds A Harvard study says air pollution might increase the danger of developing colorectal and prostate cancer. Even low levels of air pollution exposure may make people particularly susceptible to these cancers as well as breast and endometrial cancers. Researchers at the T.H. Chan School… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXXI 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXXI 1) Clarence Thomas (among one of the darkest of well-known Black people) has finally had his moment of glory doing away with Affirmative Action.  I am sure that he is happy with himself.  No one person hated Affirmative Action more than Clarence Thomas; no one! From what I have read,… Read more »

Early breakfast may help you dodge Type 2 diabetes (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.cbd-lane.comNEWARK Early breakfast may help you dodge Type 2 diabetes A study has concluded that having breakfast before 8 a.m. significantly reduces your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. That’s the conclusion of a study published in International Journal of Epidemiology that tracked more than 100,000 people for an average of seven years. They found… Read more »