Posts By: chirolane

14 Everyday Habits Setting You Up For Big-Time Back Pain 07105 NEWARK 14 Everyday Habits Setting You Up For Big-Time Back Pain Back pain sends more patients to doctors than any condition other than the common cold. In fact, it’s the fifth most common reason for hospitalizations and third most common cause of surgery. And 56% of people with lower-back aches say symptoms… Read more »

Tension-Type Headaches Linked to Neck Weakness 07105 NEWARK Tension-Type Headaches Linked to Neck Weakness It appears that patients with tension-type headache (TTH) have relatively weak neck extension muscles, a new study shows. Researchers found that these patients are 26% weaker than controls with respect to neck extension muscles, that they have a 12% smaller extension/flexion ratio, and that they… Read more »

MMR Vaccine Stops Other Diseases As Well 07105 NEWARK MMR Vaccine Stops Other Diseases As Well Study shows measles vaccine thwarts other infectious diseases The measles vaccine provides benefits beyond merely protecting against that highly contagious viral respiratory disease that remains a leading childhood killer in parts of the world, scientists say. By blocking the measles infection, the vaccine prevents… Read more »

Second Look Changes 20% of Breast Biopsy Results 07105 NEWARK Second Look Changes 20% of Breast Biopsy Results The oft-repeated counsel to patients to get a second opinion applies to breast pathology too, a new study suggests. The second opinion about a suspected breast cancer should be in the form of an “interinstitutional pathology consultation” (IPC) that includes a review by… Read more »

ADHD Linked to Binge Eating in Children 07105 NEWARK ADHD Linked to Binge Eating in Children Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are substantially more likely to have an eating disorder similar to binge eating, new research shows. Investigators at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, in Baltimore, Maryland, found that children with ADHD were more than 12 times more likely… Read more »

Hispanic Subgroups Have Different Health Risks 07105 NEWARK Hispanic Subgroups Have Different Health Risks, CDC Says Health risks in Hispanics vary by their country or region of origin, and by whether they were born in the United States or not, according to a report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Kenneth Dominguez, MD, MPH, from the National Center… Read more »

Walking Instead of Sitting Prolongs Life, Even in Small Doses 07105 NEWARK Walking Instead of Sitting Prolongs Life, Even in Small Doses Trading 2 minutes/hour of sedentary activity with light-intensity activity was linked to 33% lower mortality in the general population and 41% lower mortality in those with chronic kidney disease (CKD), according to an observational analysis published online April 30 in the Clinical Journal of… Read more »

Metformin Underused in Patients With Prediabetes 07105 NEWARK Metformin Underused in Patients With Prediabetes Metformin was prescribed for only 3.7% of patients with prediabetes, even though it can help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, according to a new retrospective cohort analysis. “We were surprised to see just how low the [prescription] rates were, particularly among the highest-risk… Read more »

Air Pollution Tied to Brain Atrophy 07105 NEWARK Air Pollution Tied to Brain Atrophy Long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution may lead to structural changes in the brain, new research suggests. The researchers found that exposure to high levels of fine particulate matter smaller than 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5) was associated with smaller total cerebral brain volume,… Read more »

Inadequate Training Linked to Groin Injury 07105 NEWARK Inadequate Training Linked to Groin Injury Groin injuries are common in sports requiring quick direction changes, acceleration and deceleration – and they’re even more common when athletes have less sport-specific training or weaker inner thigh muscles, researchers say. Groin injuries are common in soccer, ice hockey, rugby, Australian rules football, Gaelic… Read more »