Posts By: chirolane

Compression Clothing: Not The Magic Bullet For Performance 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Compression Clothing: Not The Magic Bullet For PerformanceBut do they work? This is a question Abigail Stickford, a postdoctoral researcher at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, wanted to answer.She conducted a small study using compression calf sleeves. Decades ago these were marketed to people with circulatory problems, but today they’re also aimed at… Read more »

Green Tea Linked to Lower Risk for Cognitive Decline 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Tea Linked to Lower Risk for Cognitive DeclineHigher consumption of green tea was associated with a lower risk for dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), even after possible confounding factors were considered, a Japanese study shows. Black tea or coffee did not show the same effect.Researchers led by Moeko Noguchi-Shinohara, MD, from Kanazawa University… Read more »

Air Pollution Linked to Anxiety, Increased Stroke Risk 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Air Pollution Linked to Anxiety, Increased Stroke Risk Symptoms of clinically meaningful anxiety are increased by exposure to fine particulate air pollution, regardless of the presence of major comorbid conditions, results of a large observational study indicate. The results suggest that fine particulate air pollution increases the risk for high anxiety symptoms by 12%… Read more »

Normal Kind of Memory Loss Worse in Men Than Women 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Kind of Memory Loss Worse in Men Than WomenA new study has found that being male is associated with worse memory and lower hippocampal volume throughout middle and old age in cognitively normal individuals.Other findings suggest that memory loss and brain shrinkage seen in middle-age is not related to early manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease… Read more »

Exercise Linked to Better Erectile, Sexual Function in Men 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Exercise Linked to Better Erectile, Sexual Function in Men Men who engage in a high level of physical activity report better erectile and sexual function regardless of their race, according to the first study of this association in a racially diverse population. Results of the cross-sectional study, published online March , indicate that the benefit was significant only… Read more »

Cold Therapy Reduces Forehead Wrinkles Up to 60 Days 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Cold Therapy Freezes Forehead WrinklesPeople looking to freeze time and reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles might be able to harness the power of focused cold therapy, according to a study presented at the American Academy of Dermatology 73rd Annual Meeting in San Francisco.The minimally invasive aesthetic treatment uses cold thermal injury to block… Read more »

Greater Sense of Purpose May Protect the Aging Brain 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Greater Sense of Purpose May Protect the Aging Brain Having a purpose in life — the sense that life has meaning and direction — may help guard against cerebral infarcts in older individuals, suggest new findings from the Rush Memory and Aging Project. Participants who reported a greater sense of purpose in life had… Read more »

Why Insulin Resistance May Be More Common in Men 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Why Insulin Resistance May Be More Common in Men Researchers say a protein in muscle might be culprit behind type 2 diabetes gender gap.  This protein may help explain why obese men are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than obese women. As people become overweight, their skeletal muscle develops insulin resistance that… Read more »

Kids’ Exposure to Secondhand Smoke = Clogged Arteries 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Kids’ Exposure to Secondhand Smoke = Clogged ArteriesIn another piece of evidence that smokers are selfish and uncaring, a Finnish study spanning 26 years, kids exposed to parental smoking were more likely to develop plaque in their carotid arteries as young adults than kids who were not exposed to secondhand smoke.Please do not inform me… Read more »

Sun Exposure in Adulthood Can Be Risky 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Sun Exposure in Adulthood Can Be RiskyExposure to the sun during adulthood might cause more nonmelanoma skin cancer than exposure during childhood, a new study suggests.In fact, women who lived in the southern latitudes of the United States as adults but not as children were 39% more likely to get nonmelanoma skin cancer than… Read more »