Posts By: chirolane

Spinal Manipulation Works 07105 NEWARK Spinal Manipulation Works Some people are still not sure of the value of “spinal manipulation” (also known as chiropractic adjustments and manual therapy), particularly for chronic pain. To test the efficacy of spinal manipulation, researchers randomly divided people into two groups: one to receive spinal manipulation/mobilization and the other to receive… Read more »

There Are Limits of To Low Back Pain Self-Management 07105 NEWARK There Are Limits of To Low Back Pain Self-Management There is a belief among some people that their back pain can somehow be “self-managed” without seeking the care of a doctor of chiropractic or other musculoskeletal specialist. A study from Australia demonstrated that this just isn’t the case. The researchers found… Read more »

Omega 3 Improves Cognitive Performance 07105 NEWARK Omega 3 Improves Cognitive Performance A study looked at how an Omega-3 fatty acid supplement might impact the cognitive performance of healthy young people (ages 18 to 25). The young people were tested took the fish oil supplement for six months. The results revealed an “improvement in working memory performance in… Read more »

Smoking Steals 10 Years from Women 07105 NEWARK Smoking Steals 10 Years from Women A study involving 1.2 million women made some sobering discoveries about how smoking impacts women’s health: “two-thirds of all deaths of smokers in their 50s, 60s, and 70s are caused by smoking;” “of the 30 most common causes of death, 23 were increased significantly in… Read more »

Gout Associated With Reduced Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease 07105 NEWARK Gout Associated With Reduced Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease Gout was associated with a 24% lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in a population-based study of nearly 300,000 people. The new research, published online March 4 in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, builds on the Rotterdam Study, which showed an inverse relationship between risk for… Read more »

Stress Does Increase the Risk for Ulcers 07105 NEWARK Stress Does Increase the Risk for Ulcers Psychological stress increased risk for peptic ulcer regardless of Helicobacter pylori infection status or use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, according to data from a prospective study of a population-based cohort in Denmark.“Peptic ulcer has always been considered a classic example of psychosomatic interactions, but the literature… Read more »

Intranasal Oxytocin May Allow Weight Loss in Healthy Men 07105 NEWARK Intranasal Oxytocin May Allow Weight Loss in Healthy MenThe so-called “love hormone” oxytocin could turn out even more lovely if it proves to be an effective weight-loss drug.In a first step, a study found that an intranasal formulation of oxytocin cut food consumption by an average of 122 kcal in a… Read more »

Vegetarian Diet Linked to Reduced Colorectal Cancer Risk 07105 NEWARK Vegetarian Diet Linked to Reduced Colorectal Cancer Risk Vegetarians appear to be at lower risk for colorectal cancer than nonvegetarians, new research shows. In a large observational cohort study of Seventh-Day Adventists, those who consumed a vegetarian diet had a 22% lower risk for all colorectal cancers than those who ate… Read more »

‘Common Sense’ Lifestyle Factors May Delay Dementia Onset 07105 NEWARK ‘Common Sense’ Lifestyle Factors May Delay Dementia OnsetAlthough there are many potential predictors of conversion from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to dementia, several may be modifiable, new research suggests.A meta-analysis of 62 studies showed that diabetes and prediabetes increased risk for conversion from MCI to Alzheimer’s dementia and all-cause dementia. In… Read more »

Peanuts: This Legume Linked to Cardiac Health 07105 NEWARK Peanuts: This Legume Linked to Cardiac Health In three large cohorts of 40- to 79-year-old mostly low-income US southerners and men and women in Shanghai, China, those who ate more peanuts had a lower risk of dying from CVD or all causes in a median follow-up of 5 to 12 years.Thus “consumption… Read more »