Posts By: chirolane

More Evidence Botox Works for Depression 07105 NEWARK More Evidence Botox Works for DepressionA single injection of cosmetic botulinum toxin (BTX), which is typically used to improve the appearance of facial wrinkles, may be an effective treatment for depression.In one of the first studies to suggest this, investigators at the Hannover Medical School in Germany found that treating the… Read more »

10 High-Fat Foods That Are Actually Super Healthy 07105 10 High-Fat Foods That Are Actually Super Healthy    Ever since fat was demonized, people started eating more sugar, refined carbs and processed foods instead. As a result, the entire world has become fatter and sicker. However, times are changing. Studies now show that fat, including saturated fat, isn’t the devil it was… Read more »

Cognitive Therapy Improves Sleep, Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis 07105 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Improves Sleep, Pain in Knee OA Treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may help relieve insomnia and pain among patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA), according to a new double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. The study findings were published online January 26 in Arthritis and Rheumatology. via Blogger

Anxiety May Speed Aging 07105 Anxiety May Speed Aging Anxiety disorders may contribute to shorter telomere length, a known marker of aging. However, adequate treatment may help reverse the process, new research suggests.Results from a large study showed that patients with a current anxiety disorder had shorter telomeres than nonpsychiatric control individuals and those with remitted anxiety… Read more »

Researchers Identify Modifiable Triggers of Low Back Pain 07105 Researchers Identify Modifiable Triggers of Low Back Pain Back pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide, and the World Health Organization reports that low back pain affects more people than major diseases like diabetes and malaria yet we have not made much progress in preventing it. Now, in a new study,… Read more »

Healthy Diet May Be Linked to Lower Risk of Lung Disease 07105 Healthy Diet May Be Linked to Lower Risk of Lung Disease Consuming less red meat, soda and alcohol tied to lower COPD threat in study A healthy diet low in red meat and rich in whole grains might reduce the risk of developing the crippling chronic lung disease known as COPD, new research suggests…. Read more »

A Woman’s Health Before Pregnancy Affects Obesity Risk of Future Children 07105 A Woman’s Health Before Pregnancy Affects Obesity Risk of Future ChildrenThe health of a mother before she conceives affects the chances of the child becoming obese later in life, British researchers say.A study by the University of Southampton suggests having a greater number of early life ‘risk factors’ is a strong predictor… Read more »

Gene Explains Why Girls Like Sweets Even More Than Boys 07105 Gene Explains Why Girls Like Sweets Even More Than BoysA gene linked to obesity which makes ice cream and sugary foods tastier for girls has been discovered by scientists. Scientists say the discovery of the gene means it might not be our fault if we make poor food choices – and could… Read more »

The ‘Supplement’ Illusion 07105 The ‘Supplement’ IllusionMany pills and capsules sold as herbal “supplements” contain little more than powdered rice and house plants, according to a report released Monday by the office of New York state attorney general Eric Schneiderman. An investigation found that nearly four of five herbal supplements do not contain the ingredients listed… Read more »

Early Menopause Linked to Chemical Exposure in Women 07105 Early Menopause Linked to Chemical Exposure in Women Women who have the highest levels of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from a wide variety of common household and personal-care products enter menopause anywhere from 1.9 to 3.8 years earlier than those who have lower levels of EDC, a cross-sectional sample of US women is… Read more »