Posts By: chirolane

Women With PTSD May Trigger Type 2 Diabetes 07105 NEWARK Women With PTSD May Trigger Type 2 DiabetesWomen with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have nearly twice the risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with those without the disorder, new research suggests.New results from the Nurses Health Study show that PTSD was associated with incident type 2 diabetes in a dose-response… Read more »

For Knee Arthritis Relief, Shots Beat Pills 07105 NEWARK For Knee Arthritis Relief, Shots Beat Pills The most effective treatment for the pain of knee osteoarthritis may be an injection of hyaluronic acid or corticosteroids, and the least effective may be Tylenol or Celebrex pills, a review of studies concludes.The analysis, in Annals of Internal Medicine, reviewed 137 randomized trials involving more… Read more »

Binge Drinking Most Likely To Kill Middle-aged Americans (Not College Students or Teenagers) 07105 Binge Drinking Most Likely To Kill Middle-aged Americans Not College Students or Teenagers It’s not college students or teenagers, but rather middle-aged Americans who are most likely to die from drinking too much alcohol too quickly, according to a study released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday…. Read more »

Carrageenan – A Dangerous Food Additive to Avoid 07105 Carrageenan – A Dangerous Food Additive to Avoid Read the labels on the foods you buy. Watch out for the ingredient carrageenan. Carrageenan is considered a harmless food additive by the US government. Unfortunately medical research has proven otherwise. Carrageenan is known as Irish Moss and is actually a seaweed. Most people would assume… Read more »

Six Healthy Habits Can Help Women Avert 73% of Coronary Heart Disease 07105 Six Healthy Habits Can Help Women Avert 73% of Coronary Heart Disease Adoption of six healthy lifestyle behaviors could avert about 73% of coronary heart disease (CHD) cases among women over 20 years, as well as 46% of diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, conclude researchers, based on their analysis of about 69 000… Read more »

Self-directed Exercise Program Shows Benefits in Arthritis 07105 Self-directed Exercise Program Shows Benefits in ArthritisA self-directed exercise program can improve the symptoms of arthritis, a new study shows.After 12 weeks, participants in the First Step to Active Health program showed significant improvements in lower body strength, functional exercise capacity, lower body flexibility, pain, fatigue, stiffness, and arthritis management self-efficacy.“This program… Read more »

Magnesium Deficiency Causes Problems 07105 Is Your Problem Magnesium DeficiencyFeeling exhausted? Or noticing weird muscle cramps that are throwing off your workouts? You might be suffering from a magnesium deficiency.Dubbed the “invisible deficiency” by some experts because it’s so hard to spot and diagnose, magnesium deficiencies are more dangerous than you might think. “Magnesium is involved in… Read more »

Obesity Shortens Life 07105 chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comObesity Shortens LifeA new study in The Lancet found that very obese men ages 20-39 die eight years earlier than their healthy peers, and lose around 16 years’ worth of good-quality day-to-day living! That makes their RealAge about 11 years older. Very obese women lose up to 7.6 years! Those extra pounds lead to… Read more »

Is Sleep a Part of Your Weight Loss Program? 07105 Is Sleep a Part of Your Weight Loss Program?Most people take a common set of steps when preparing to lose weight. Pick an activity. Pick a diet. Cut out junk food. Pick a start date. Recruit support. One step, however, is typically missed, and recent research suggests it is as important as… Read more »

Weight Training Prevents Age-related Abdominal Fat (better than aerobic activity) 07105 Weight Training Prevents Age-related Abdominal Fat (better than aerobic activity)Although aerobic exercise alone was associated with less weight gain than weight training overall, a combination of the two optimized waist circumference results, Harvard School of Public Health researchers and colleagues found.“To combat sarcopenia that is inevitable with aging, older adults are recommended to… Read more »