Posts By: chirolane

Mediterranean diet keeps people ‘genetically young’ 07105 Mediterranean diet keeps people ‘genetically young’ Following a Mediterranean diet might be a recipe for a long life because it appears to keep people genetically younger, say US researchers. Its mix of vegetables, olive oil, fresh fish and fruits may stop our DNA code from scrambling as we age, according to a… Read more »

Tea and the Pressure of Blood 07105 chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comTea and the Pressure of BloodNew research shows that if you take up drinking tea regularly, you can expect to see your top blood pressure number (systolic) dip by around 2.6 mmHg. Your bottom number (diastolic) will go down by about 2.2 mmHg. The researchers who discovered this looked at the results of 25… Read more »

Weight Loss Eliminates Hot Flashes 07105 Weight Loss Eliminates Hot Flashes Postmenopausal hot flashes and night sweats come under the medical heading of vasomotor symptoms or VMS. A recent study found “weight loss as part of a healthy dietary modification may help eliminate VMS among postmenopausal women.” More specifically, “women with symptoms at baseline who lost 10 lb… Read more »

Hypertension and Mercury Toxicity 07105 Hypertension and Mercury Toxicity A growing body of medical literature has discovered the damaging effects of mercury on endothelial (the inner lining of blood vessels) function and vascular smooth muscle function. Mercury induces mitochondrial dysfunction with reduction in adenosine triphosphate (ATP), depletion of glutathione, and increased lipid peroxidation. Increased oxidative stress and… Read more »

Ketogenic Diets Offer Weight Loss and Suppress Appetite 07105 chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comKetogenic Diets Offer Weight Loss and Suppress AppetiteKetosis may explain why appetite is not increased despite weight loss in obese patientsA review of evidence supports that ketogenic diets suppress appetite despite weight loss. The research was published online Nov. 17 in Obesity Reviews.Alice Gibson, of the University of Sydney in Camperdown, Australia, and… Read more »

Obesity Linked to Half a Million Cancer Cases Worldwide 07105 chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comObesity Linked to Half a Million Cancer Cases Worldwide In 2012, about half a million of cases of cancer around the world were attributed to excess body weight, which extrapolates to 3.6% of all new adult patients.The weight-related cancer burden was highest in developed countries; 63.8% of these obesity-related cancers occurred in North… Read more »

Constipation May Be Improved by Self-Applied Acupressure

Constipation May Be Improved by Self-Applied AcupressureApplying external pressure to the perineum in conjunction with standard constipation treatment can improve bowel function and quality of life for people suffering from the common digestive condition, a study has shown.In a randomized trial of 91 patients, the self-acupressure technique improved constipation symptoms at 4 weeks in 72%… Read more »

Home Cooking Decreases Calorie Intake 07105 Home Cooking Decreases Calorie Intake New research on healthy eating has found that home cooking is better than restaurant fare, and that kids who are offered more nutritious food in school cafeterias rarely eat it. In the study on meals, researchers found that people who eat the most home-cooked ones end up… Read more »

Calorie Counting To Treat Dementia? Calorie-Restricting Diets Help Slow The Aging Process 07105 chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comCalorie Counting To Treat Dementia? Calorie-Restricting Diets Help Slow The Aging Process Dietary restrictions are generally touted as an efficient way to reduce our risk of heart disease, hypertension, and stroke. However, little is known about the impact it could have on memory and learning. A recent study conducted by neuroscientists at NYU… Read more »

Obesity Tied to Brain Volume Loss – Dementia? 07105 Obesity Tied to Brain Volume LossBeing overweight or obese is associated with poorer brain health in cognitively healthy adults in their 60s, according to new data from the long-running Australian PATH Through Life Study.After adjustment for multiple factors, participants who were overweight or obese had smaller hippocampal volume at baseline and experienced… Read more »