Posts By: chirolane

Foods to Keep your Blood Pressure DOWN! 07105 Foods to Keep your Blood Pressure DOWN! A 2006 Munich study found that hospitals reported twice as many cardiac emergencies as usual on days when Germany played World Cup matches. And among those with diagnosed heart problems, the rate was up to four times higher than the norm. Sports fans most at… Read more »

Anti-inflammatories May Help Ease Depression 07105 Anti-inflammatories May Help Ease Depression Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may help ease depressive symptoms, new research suggests. Results of a meta-analysis show that the adjunctive use of NSAIDs was associated with improved antidepressant treatment response without an increased risk for adverse effects. In particular, add-on treatment with celecoxib (Celebrex, GD Searle LLC)… Read more »

More Evidence Links Autism to Air Pollution 07105 More Evidence Links Autism to Air PollutionNew research adds to the growing body of evidence linking traffic-related air pollution to the development of autism.The study, conducted by investigators at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, is the first to examine associations between autism and air pollution in North Carolina.Its results support those from past… Read more »

5 Surprising Things that Drain Your Energy 07105 5 Surprising Things that Drain Your EnergyFive sneaky things that drain your energy!1. Bad postureSit up straight! According to the American Chiropractic Association, your body actually consumes more energy when you’re slouching. Make sure you’re taking breaks to stretch, recommends wellness expert Scott Donkin, DC, DACBOH. “When you stretch, you elongate and… Read more »

“Should I Take Acetaminophen for Back Pain?” 07105 Q:  I have frequent back pain. I usually take acetaminophen (the Tylenol brand), but I hear it may not be effective for back pain. Is there anything to that? A: The safest option is to try to get through the worst of your back pain without medication: • Use cold compresses or… Read more »

Study Links Soda To Premature Aging, Disease and Early Death 07105 UCSF Study Links Soda To Premature Aging, Disease, Early Death A new study looked at whether America’s thirst for soda speeds up how the body’s cells age. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco used a sample of 5300 healthy adults. Dr. Elissa Epel worked on the study for 5 years. “We… Read more »

Drinking Coffee Helps Your Liver! 07105 Drinking Coffee Helps Your Liver! Drinking coffee — even decaffeinated coffee — may protect your liver, a large new study has found. Researchers examined the coffee-drinking habits of 27,793 people who filled out diet questionnaires in a large national health study from 1999 to 2010. The scientists also tracked blood levels of… Read more »

Grains are good for you! 07105 Grains are very good for you!In a little less than a cup, most grains are loaded with essential polyphenols, fiber, more than 10 percent of your daily requirement for protein, plus various B vitamins, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and more. Here are our how-to-get-grain-on-your-table tips. 1. Add quinoa to a salad, along with blueberries, walnuts… Read more »

Chronic Pain and Chiropractic 07105 Right now approximately 50 percent or more of my readers have pain that bothers them on a daily or near daily basis. Chronic pain is often addressed by taking pain medication. It just seems easier to most people to mask the pain rather than find a way to stop it.  Chiropractic care… Read more »

Moving Through Your Day Can Lower Your Blood Pressure 07105 Moving Through Your Day Can Lower Your Blood PressureOne out of every three American adults has high blood pressure. If you’re one of them, it’s a fact that regular exercise can help bring your numbers down. Less than an hour of aerobic exercise a week can do the trick.In one study, researchers… Read more »