Posts By: chirolane

Improving your focus and concentration (Roizen article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Improving your focus and concentration This is an era of multiple distractions from digital devices (texts, tweets, emails, etc.) and alarming news 24/7. No wonder people say that they’re having trouble focusing or are finding senior moments happen increasingly often. One survey in the U.K. reports almost half of folks say that their attention… Read more »

Wegovy, Ozempic not linked to increase in suicidal thoughts, US study finds 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Wegovy, Ozempic not linked to increase in suicidal thoughts, US study finds A large U.S. study found no evidence that taking Novo Nordisk’s (NOVOb.CO) Ozempic or Wegovy is tied to an increase in suicidal thoughts, researchers reported on Friday. Both Ozempic for type 2 diabetes and the obesity treatment Wegovy have the same active ingredient, semaglutide…. Read more »

Feeling sleepy and fuzzy-brained? Try Yoga Nidra (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Feeling sleepy and fuzzy-brained? Try Yoga Nidra You may think of yoga as a series of body-bending postures that cause you more stress, not less. But one form, Yoga Nidra, is aimed at guiding you into peaceful, conscious relaxation — as you’re lying down. A form of mindful meditation, Yoga Nidra has long been… Read more »

A fast take on fasting for weight loss 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK A fast take on fasting for weight loss You know fast food and fast driving are bad for your health. But life in the fast-ing lane? Well, studies show that adopting basic intermittent fasting by restricting your meals to eight or fewer hours a day is associated with reduced inflammation, lower insulin levels and… Read more »

Light Activity in Childhood May Lower Cholesterol 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Light Activity in Childhood May Lower Cholesterol [The title would be clearer if they wrote : A Light Amount of Activity in Childhood May Lower Cholesterol] TOPLINE: Light physical activity during childhood may lower blood cholesterol levels more effectively than moderate to vigorous physical activity, regardless of body fat mass. METHODOLOGY: Researchers analyzed the… Read more »

Probiotics and yogurt vs. depression -Roizon article 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Probiotics and yogurt vs. depression What goes on in your gut is a miracle of interdependence and biochemical magic, as the trillions of microbes in your gastrointestinal system work together (in the best of situations) to digest your food and thereby help regulate the health of your immune system, the metabolism of glucose and… Read more »

Three ways to protect your heart health – Roizon article 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Three ways to protect your heart health — More than 30% of folks won’t get a flu shot this year. — U.S. adults spend nine and a half hours a day sitting or lying down. — A full 33% of American adults sleep six hours or less a night. That’s the trifecta for heart… Read more »

CPAP Oversells and Underperforms – Commentary 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK CPAP Oversells and Underperforms – Commentary Aaron B. Holley, MD Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is first-line therapy for sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBDs). Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the major player in the SRBDs space, with a prevalence approaching 100% in adult men using current diagnostic criteria. Patients with OSA and comorbid cardiovascular disease (CVD) are diagnosed with OSA… Read more »

How lousy LDL cholesterol increases your risk for diabetes (Roizon article) 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK How lousy LDL cholesterol increases your risk for diabetes More than 68 million folks in the U.S. have unhealthy levels of lousy LDL cholesterol — and that puts them at risk for everything from dementia and a lousy sex life to stroke and heart attack. Now a study out of the Universite de Montreal… Read more »

Acne in Primary Care 07105chiropractic-lane.comwww.shopcbd-laneNEWARK Acne in Primary Care The treatment of acne involves difficult choices. Should you prescribe oral antibiotics, knowing use of the drugs for acne plays a large role in driving up rates of antibiotic resistance? Are you willing to wade through the complex federal laws regulating isotretinoin before prescribing it to people who can become… Read more »