Posts By: chirolane

The Benefits of High Cholesterol 07105 NEWARK The Benefits of High Cholesterol Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD People with high cholesterol live the longest. This statement seems so incredible that it takes a long time to clear one´s brainwashed mind to fully understand its importance. Yet the fact that people with high cholesterol live the longest emerges clearly from… Read more »

Purpose in Life May Preserve Physical Function 07105 NEWARK Purpose in Life May Preserve Physical Function A strong sense of purpose appears to help preserve physical function as individuals age, new research shows. A longitudinal study led by Eric Kim, PhD, Harvard T. H. Chang School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, found that “a sense of purpose in life, a… Read more »

Intensive Exercise and Diet Reduce Diabetes Meds Dependence 07105 NEWARK Intensive Exercise and Diet Reduce Diabetes Meds Dependence An intensive aerobic exercise program and dietary intervention can not only improve glycemic control over standard care in individuals with type 2 diabetes but also reduce the need for glucose-lowering medication, the results of a randomized trial indicate. Mathias Ried-Larsen, PhD, Center of… Read more »

Marijuana use holds three-fold blood pressure death risk: study 07105 NEWARK Marijuana use holds three-fold blood pressure death risk: study People who smoke marijuana have a three times greater risk of dying from hypertension, or high blood pressure, than those who have never used the drug, scientists said on Wednesday. The risk grows with every year of use, they said. The findings,… Read more »

Living Color in the vegetables to Protect Your Heart 07105 NEWARK To protect your heart and happiness, go for Living Color in the vegetables you eat.  According to a study in Atherosclerosis, lutein — one of the carotenoid pigments that gives many plants their sassy color (think deep greens in kale, broccoli, turnip greens and spinach, and rich yellows and oranges in… Read more »

Functional Medicine Approach to Social Anxiety 07105 NEWARK Functional Medicine Approach to Social Anxiety  There are more than 19 million Americans suffering from all anxiety disorders combined. It’s normal to feel anxious or worried at times. Everyone experiences a certain amount of nervousness and apprehension when faced with a stressful situation. However, when anxiety becomes excessive or prolonged and… Read more »

Fewer gallbladder surgeries with Mediterranean diets 07105 NEWARK Fewer gallbladder surgeries with Mediterranean diets Eating foods high in fiber, such as those found in a Mediterranean diet, was tied to a lower risk of gallbladder surgery in a recent French study. Compared to people who didn’t follow a Mediterranean diet pattern, those who adhered to it most closely had… Read more »

Increased Sugar During Pregnancy = Increased Allergies in Babies 07105 NEWARK Increased Sugar During Pregnancy = Increased Allergies in Babies Researchers found that children whose mothers consumed 16 to 69 teaspoons of sugar a day were over two times more likely to develop allergic asthma (triggered by an allergic reaction to pollen, mold and other airborne irritants) as a child whose mom… Read more »

Gum Disease and Increased Link to Many Cancers 07105 NEWARK Gum Disease and Increased Link to Many Cancers Brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups appear to do much more than maintain a healthy smile. Now, a large prospective cohort study shows that postmenopausal women with a history of periodontal disease, including those who have never smoked, are at significantly increased overall… Read more »

Higher Sugar Intake Linked to Depression in Men 07105 NEWARK Higher Sugar Intake Linked to Depression in Men Men who have more than 67g of sugar per day – about the amount found in two cans of cola – could be increasing their risk of common mood disorders by 23% after 5 years, compared to those with consume less sugar, researchers say. A study… Read more »