Posts By: chirolane

Chlamydia and Heart Disease 07105 NEWARK Chlamydia and Heart Disease How secure should you feel if your doctor tells you that your cholesterol levels are normal? Are you immune to heart disease just because you have been informed you have normal cholesterol levels? If you have been a reader of my weekly articles for any length of… Read more »

Breast Cancer: Teen Fruit Consumption Linked to Lower Risk 07105 NEWARK Breast Cancer: Teen Fruit Consumption Linked to Lower Risk An apple a day may do more than keep the doctor away: A new study looking at fruit and vegetable consumption in teenagers and young adults links higher fruit intake with a lower risk for breast cancer. In an analysis of prospective… Read more »

Metformin and Insulin Combo Cuts Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes 07105 NEWARK Metformin and Insulin Combo Cuts Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes A new retrospective study indicates that, in type 2 diabetes, treatment with insulin is safer when it is used together with metformin. In the research, recently published in PLoS One, a team from Cardiff University, Wales, showed that patients on insulin and metformin were… Read more »

Exercise Cuts the Risk for 13 Cancers 07105 NEWARK Exercise Cuts the Risk for 13 Cancers Higher levels of leisure-time physical activity are associated with a significantly lower risk of developing a number of cancers, the results of a pooled analysis of data from more than a million Europeans and Americans reveal. The findings, published online May 16 in JAMA Internal Medicine, indicate… Read more »

Vitamin B12 May Slow Brain Aging 07105 NEWARK Vitamin B12 May Slow Brain Aging Individuals with increased levels of circulating homocysteine have faster rates of brain changes associated with aging than other people, whereas higher levels of vitamin B12 are associated with slower rates of brain aging, new research suggests. Babak Hooshmand, MD, PhD, Center for Alzheimer Research–Aging Research… Read more »

Pesticides, Other Toxins Again Linked to Increased ALS 07105 NEWARK Pesticides, Other Toxins Again Linked to Increased ALS Researchers have provided more evidence that exposure to toxic environmental pollutants raises the risk for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Unlike previous research, the new study used both surveys and measurement of toxic chemicals in blood. “This is not going to alter treatment at… Read more »

Long-term Testosterone May Decrease Cardiovascular Risk 07105 NEWARK Long-term Testosterone May Decrease Cardiovascular Risk Long-term testosterone replacement therapy is associated with a decreased — not increased — risk for cardiovascular disease in men, according to a large population-based cohort study. This finding “answers the controversy” fueled by recent warnings from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggesting that… Read more »

People eat less after harder workouts 07105 NEWARK People eat less after harder workouts: small study High intensity workouts may curb people’s appetite shortly afterward, according to a small study. The researchers found that overweight men ate about 200 fewer calories following a vigorous workout than after rest. Some studies have shown that high intensity exercise is tied to appetite… Read more »

Let’s Get Rid of Belly Fat 07105 NEWARK Let’s Get Rid of Belly Fat Shape matters. If yours resembles a snowman or snow-woman (you know, three circles on top of each other), you’re ready for the four-step, bulging-belly makeover. Your goal: guys — a waist 35 inches or smaller; gals — 32.5 or smaller. Your reward: a flatter stomach,… Read more »

Turnover Halved If Carriers Could Keep Drivers For Just 90 Days 07105 NEWARK Turnover Halved If Carriers Could Keep Drivers For Just 90 Days Says ATA Exec According to the chief economist at the ATA, Bob Costello, if carriers could hold on to all of their new hires for at least 90 days, the driver turnover rate would be cut in half. Reported by DCVelocity,… Read more »