Drive to Build Muscle May Flag Mental Illness in Young Males 07105


Drive to Build Muscle May Flag Mental Illness in Young Males

Young men and male adolescents who express concerns over their muscularity and leanness may be at increased risk for depressive symptoms, as well as binge drinking and drug use, results of a large, prospective study indicate.
Jerel P. Calzo, PhD, Division of Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital, in Massachusetts, and colleagues were able to identify four categories of meal eating disorders centered on body image and muscularity concerns that predicted negative mental health outcomes.
“This study underscores the importance of asking about concerns about leanness, muscularity, and use of muscle-building products when assessing eating disorder presentations that may be unique in males,” the researchers write.
“Although the classes that emerged differ from similar analyses on female samples, the findings are consistent with research in females indicating that subclinical symptomatic patterns of eating disorder symptoms are also associated with concurrent and incident depressive symptoms and substance use,” they add.
The research was published online May 27 in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

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