Posts By: chirolane

Choosing Antibiotics Over Surgery for Appendicitis 07105  NEWARK Choosing Antibiotics Over Surgery for Appendicitis Once, appendicitis in a child always meant immediate surgery. But a new study has found that antibiotics may work just as well for children with uncomplicated appendicitis. (That means no ruptured appendix, a relatively low white blood count and no impacted feces.) The study, in JAMA… Read more »

Coronary Calcium Score 07105  NEWARK Coronary Calcium Score You may know your cholesterol level and other conventional parameters of low significance, but do you know one of the most important scores to predict how long you will live? I am talking about your Coronary Calcium Score. The coronary calcium score is evaluated via a coronary calcium scan. Coronary… Read more »

Surgical Indicators for Low Back Pain 07105  NEWARK Surgical Indicators for Low Back Pain I recently read an article on the alternatives to surgery for back pain. The article discusses the cases of two men; Steve Pagani, a junior high principal, and David Fischer, an avid mountain biker. After suffering from back pain, both men sought the advice of Dr. Kenneth Light, a… Read more »

Dietary Guidelines Aim to Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk 07105 NEWARK Dietary Guidelines Aim to Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk New dietary guidelines http for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease have been developed by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). PCRM is a nonprofit organization that advocates preventive medicine, especially good nutrition; conducts clinical research; and advocates for higher ethical standards in research,… Read more »

Onions, Garlic, and Leeks are your friends (who really smell!) 07105 NEWARK Onions, Garlic, and Leeks are your friends (who really smell!) (sorry NSA, that was LEEKS not LEAKS) You have friends where you least expect them: pungent or subtle, earthy or spicy … garlic, onions and other members of the allium family are staples in every top kitchen. They should be in yours, too, because these flavor enhancers are… Read more »

Effect of Relaxation Exercises on Controlling Postoperative Pain 07105 NEWARK Effect of Relaxation Exercises on Controlling Postoperative Pain This study examines the effect of relaxation exercises on controlling postoperative pain in patients who have undergone upper abdominal surgery. This is a cross-sectional and crossover study conducted on 60 patients who underwent upper abdominal surgery between October 2006 and June 2007, in… Read more »

Young Adults / Teens and Losing Weight 07105 NEWARK Young Adults / Teens and Losing Weight We always have a problem when dealing with teenagers.  They are neither adults nor are they children.  It is easy to err on the side of kindness when we are talking to “my little girl” or be too demanding when we expect maturity and understanding discussing a topic with “my… Read more »

Pathogenic Gut Flora (“Leaky Gut”) Tied to Heart-Failure Severity 07105 NEWARK Pathogenic Gut Flora (“Leaky Gut”) Tied to Heart-Failure Severity BRESCIA, ITALY — Patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) are likely to have “intestinal overgrowth” of pathogenic gut flora and permeability that is associated with disease severity, new research suggests[1]. A study of 80 total participants showed that the CHF patients had… Read more »

Majority of cancer may be influenced by environment and lifestyle factors 07105 NEWARK Majority of cancer may be influenced by environment and lifestyle factors That’s what the authors of a new study in the journal Nature argue. External factors such as exposure to toxins and radiation are a major risk factor in developing cancer, the new study says. “Environmental factors play important roles in… Read more »

Low-fat and low-carb diets show that none is superior to others 07105 NEWARK Low-fat and low-carb diets show that none is superior to others A recent analysis looked for the most effective diet: Low-fat, low-carb or high-fat Researcher: “None of the diets did particularly well, and after one year, they are all pretty abysmal” (CNN) Some diets claim you must eat less fat to have any… Read more »