Posts By: chirolane

CHIROPRACTIC Your Aches and Pains – why they hurt and what can be done 07105 NEWARK CHIROPRACTIC Your Aches and Pains – why they hurt and what can be done Back pain, neck pain, knee pain, foot pain – wherever the pain is, it’s a pretty powerful motivator. In fact, depending on the severity of the pain, you may be willing to do just about anything to… Read more »

Antidepressants in Pregnancy Linked to Increased Autism Risk 07105 NEWARK Antidepressants in Pregnancy Linked to Increased Autism Risk UPDATED December 15, 2015 // Antidepressant use during the second or third trimester of pregnancy, particularly use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), nearly doubles the risk of the child’s developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by age 7 years, new research shows. The study also… Read more »

Treating CTS and Wrist Tendinitis of Myofasial Origin 07105 NEWARK This article is good.  I would only add that the patient should use B6 and add additional ZINC for recovery. ====================== Treating CTS and Wrist Tendinitis of Myofascial Origin By Guy Hains, DC Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common and most clinically significant of all nerve entrapment syndromes,1 present in 2.7 percent of… Read more »

Smoking in pregnancy tied to kids’ conduct problems 07105 NEWARK Smoking in pregnancy tied to kids’ conduct problems Children of women who smoked cigarettes during pregnancy are more likely to have behavioral problems than those whose mothers didn’t light up, says a new analysis. The evidence is emerging that smoking in pregnancy and the frequency of smoking in pregnancy is correlated… Read more »

Alcoholism Risk Linked To Obesity Risk! 07105 NEWARK Alcoholism Risk Linked To Obesity Risk!  The link between a family history of alcohol dependency and obesity risk has become more prominent over the last few years. A higher percentage of males and females with a family history of alcoholism were found to be obese in 2002 than in 1992.  15%… Read more »

Improve Your Health With Gratitude 07105 NEWARK Improve Your  Health With Gratitude Ever wish you and your partner felt closer? Want to relight the fires of love, morning, noon and (especially) night? Just adopt gratitude as your attitude. Gratitude can work better than Viagra at boosting romance. Let’s assume you’re in a committed relationship. Try this together: Each night, write… Read more »

The Twofer In the Gym That Beats All 07105 NEWARK The Twofer In the Gym That Beats All There’s a new champ in the fitness ring with a one-two punch that would send Sugar Ray Robinson spinning. It’s an exercise combo that beats all the rest — zapping fat and lowering blood sugar better than either alone. The dynamic duo? Aerobics and resistance… Read more »

Dr. Lane’s SERIOUS idea: Save Money On Credit-card Processing 07105 NEWARK Dr. Lane’s SERIOUS idea: Save Money On Credit-card Processing (and let me get the referral fee) I do not believe in selling people on stupid ideas or things that benefit only me.  I don’t like it when people do that to me and I don’t ever intend to do it to… Read more »

Low Omega-3 in Kids May Be Cause of Behavior, Cognitive Deficits 07105 NEWARK Low Omega-3 in Kids May Be Cause of Behavior, Cognitive Deficits Blood concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in school-aged children in the United Kingdom (UK) are well below the minimum recommended for good cardiovascular health in adults, according to a new study. The research noted that low levels of omega-3, particularly… Read more »

Lentils Sylvia 07105 NEWARK Lentils Sylvia 2 pounds Red lentils (tastier than the green ones) 2 medium Red onions (also called Bermuda onions) crushed or minced garlic (you will need two tablespoons) 2 pounds BABY carrots (sweeter than whole carrots) Bouillon or stock (meat-based or vegetable-based) 1) Put the lentils into a pot and let them soak in… Read more »