Posts By: chirolane

Short time between pregnancies linked to osteoporosis 07105 NEWARK Short time between pregnancies linked to osteoporosis Women who have pregnancies less than a year apart may have a greater risk for osteoporosis later in life than those who wait longer between babies, a study suggests. Researchers compared the reproductive histories of 239 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis to 298 similar women… Read more »

The Fat Hormone: How Effective are You at Burning Belly Fat? 07105 NEWARK The Fat Hormone: How Effective are You at Burning Belly Fat? Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S. Leptin, a recently discovered hormone, regulates body weight by suppressing food intake and/or increasing energy expenditure. Leptin is a very powerful and influential hormone produced by fat cells. Science has discovered that leptin is the… Read more »

CDC Releases Death Rate Estimates for Seven Conditions 07105 NEWARK CDC Releases Death Rate Estimates for Seven Conditions The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, has released death rate estimates for seven selected causes of death, and the results are mixed. From the first quarter of 2014 to… Read more »

Extra virgin olive oil linked to lower blood sugar and cholesterol 07105 NEWARK Extra virgin olive oil linked to lower blood sugar and cholesterol Compared to other kinds of fat, extra virgin olive oil may have healthier effects on levels of blood sugar and bad cholesterol after meals, according to an Italian study. That may explain why a traditional Mediterranean diet rich in olive… Read more »

For Fat Loss, Low-fat Diets Beat Low-carb Diets 07105 NEWARK For Fat Loss, Low-fat Diets Beat Low-carb Diets, new research finds It is a central dogma of the low-carb lifestyle: that while avoiding carbohydrates will force the human body into fat-burning mode, any diet that fails to suppress insulin will trap body fat in place and thwart a dieter’s hope of… Read more »

Insulin Resistance Tied to Language Problems in Women 07105 NEWARK Insulin Resistance Tied to Language Problems in Women A new study from Finland indicates that insulin resistance is associated with problems with verbal fluency in women but not in men, a finding that could affect these women’s risk for cognitive decline later in life. The research was published online August 12… Read more »

Low-Normal Serum Sodium Identified as a Risk Factor for CVD/Death 07105 NEWARK Low-Normal Serum Sodium Identified as a Risk Factor for CVD/Death More evidence has emerged that mild hyponatremia, even within the normal sodium range, as well as hypernatremia are both associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in older men with no history of coronary heart disease, heart failure, or… Read more »

Metformin May Also Lower LDL Cholesterol 07105 NEWARK Metformin May Also Lower LDL Cholesterol: Study Suggests How Metformin, which has been used to lower blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes for more than 50 years, appears to also lower LDL-cholesterol levels, possibly by a complex mechanism, according to new research. They found that patients who were… Read more »

Lifestyle changes help prevent pregnancy-related diabetes 07105 NEWARK Lifestyle changes help prevent pregnancy-related diabetes Diet, exercise and weight control counseling in early pregnancy can lower the risk of developing diabetes before giving birth, according to a new study from Finland. “Gestational diabetes and maternal obesity are both independently associated with adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes,” and many women who… Read more »

Hybrid ‘MIND’ Diet Keeps Aging Brain Sharp 07105 NEWARK Hybrid ‘MIND’ Diet Keeps Aging Brain Sharp . The MIND diet ― a hybrid of the Mediterranean diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet ― may slow cognitive decline in elderly adults, according to researchers from Chicago’s Rush University Medical Center who developed the MIND diet. In an… Read more »