Posts By: chirolane

Gastric Bypass Helps with Diabetes But Has Risks 07105 NEWARK Gastric Bypass Helps with Diabetes But Has Risks Two years after surgery, people who have had gastric bypass have better control of their type 2 diabetes than people who did not, but also had higher risk of infections and bone fractures, according to a new international study. “Some doctors had thought… Read more »

Boys who smoke cannabis ‘are four inches shorter’ 07105 NEWARK Boys who smoke cannabis ‘are four inches shorter’ New study finds that youngsters who regularly smoked marijuana are far shorter than their non-smoking peers. Smoking cannabis regularly stunts growth in prepubescent boys, scientists have found Boys who smoke cannabis before puberty could be stunting their growth by more than four inches, a… Read more »

Oral Steroids Have Little Effect in Patients With Sciatica 07105 NEWARK Oral Steroids Have Little Effect in Patients With Sciatica A short course of oral prednisone slightly improves function but has no effect on acute radicular leg pain (sciatica) or subsequent need for surgery among patients with a herniated lumbar disk, according to a study published in the May 19 issue of JAMA. Although oral steroids… Read more »

Best Evidence Yet That Male Ejaculation Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk 07105 NEWARK Best Evidence Yet That Male Ejaculation Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk Good news, men: you may be able to decrease your risk for prostate cancer by ejaculating frequently, according to research presented here at American Urological Association 2015 Annual Meeting. The frothy advice is not new but is now backed up by… Read more »

Type of B Vitamin Reduces Risk of Common Skin Cancers 07105 NEWARK Type of B Vitamin Reduces Risk of Common Skin Cancers A simple daily vitamin may help prevent the most common types of skin cancer in people at high risk of the disease, according to new research from Australia. A study conducted at the University of Sydney found that nicotinamide, a form… Read more »

Two Glasses of Orange Juice ‘boosts elderly brainpower’ 07105 NEWARK Two Glasses of Orange Juice ‘boosts elderly brainpower‘ Significant improvements can be seen in less than two months, research shows  Scientists put the results down to chemicals called flavonoids – natural substances which occur in high levels in oranges They are said to improve memory through activation of the part of… Read more »

Men Who Exercise May Delay Age-related High Cholesterol 07105 NEWARK Men Who Exercise May Delay Age-related High Cholesterol Men who get plenty of aerobic exercise may delay the onset of age-related high cholesterol, potentially lowering their risk for heart disease, a new study suggests. Researchers followed thousands of men over several decades, periodically drawing blood to test their cholesterol and then… Read more »

Grip Strength May Hold The Secret of Future Health 07105 NEWARK Grip Strength May Hold The Secret of Future Health The chances of having a heart attack, stroke or dying young may be hidden in the palm of the hand, a study suggests. A trial on nearly 140,000 people in 14 countries, published in the Lancet, suggests grip strength is better than… Read more »

Strengthening Hip Muscles Eases Calf Pain from Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) 07105 NEWARK Strengthening Hip Muscles Eases Calf Pain From  Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Researchers report that patients might also be able to walk longer Exercises to strengthen the hips may ease calf pain for people with peripheral artery disease (PAD), a new study suggests. The disease causes the arteries in the legs and other… Read more »

The Body Can Heal Itself With A Little Help 07105 NEWARK The Body Can Heal Itself With A Little Help Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal. It is one of the most important bodily functions, right up there with regulating blood pressure and digesting our food. From recovering after falls and injuries to dealing with bacteria, viruses, bad food and… Read more »