Posts By: chirolane

Vitamin D Deficiency Predicts Cognitive Decline 07105 chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comVitamin D Deficiency Predicts Cognitive DeclineA new study supports a link between low levels of vitamin D and increased risk for cognitive decline, prompting calls for clinical trials to test whether vitamin D supplementation may delay or prevent dementia.In a group of cognitively intact older adults, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) levels below 75… Read more »

Antibiotics in Children Increase Risk for Juvenile Arthritis 07105 Antibiotics in Children Increase Risk for Juvenile Arthritis Exposure to antibiotics during childhood significantly increases the risk for juvenile idiopathic arthritis in a dose-dependent manner, say investigators reporting at the American College of Rheumatology 2014 Annual Meeting in Boston. They suggest that alterations in the human microbiome might be implicated in the… Read more »

One in Five With Type 2 Diabetes Nonresponsive to Exercise 07105  One in Five With Type 2 Diabetes Nonresponsive to ExerciseAbout one in five people with type 2 diabetes do not respond favorably to exercise, a new literature review finds.Taken together, the data suggest that between 15% and 20% of patients with type 2 diabetes will not experience improvements in HbA1c, insulin sensitivity,… Read more »

Obesity ‘Costing As Much As Smoking’ 07105 Obesity ‘Costing As Much As Smoking’ The worldwide cost of obesity is about the same as smoking or armed conflict and greater than both alcoholism and climate change, research has suggested.Some 2.1bn people – about 30% of the world’s population – were overweight or obese, the researchers added.The report said there was… Read more »

Increased Dietary Fiber Intake Aids Weight Loss 07105 Increased Dietary Fiber Intake Aids Weight Loss“We found that counseling patients to eat a high-fiber diet resulted in many other healthy changes to diet, including reduced sugars, sugary beverages, fat, sodium and cholesterol intake,” Pagoto said. “We may not need to counsel patients on every aspect of diet because some dietary changes produce healthy collateral… Read more »

How Winter Sports Will Hurt Skiers’ and Snowboarders’ Bodies 07105 How Winter Sports Will Hurt Skiers’ and Snowboarders’ Bodies The rest of the country may be waiting on the first snowfalls of winter, but Cache Valley is already enveloped in it — meaning winter sports season is closer than ever. And as hundreds of local residents and out-of-towners alike head to the… Read more »

You’re Texting Your Way To Back Pain 07105 You’re Texting Your Way To Back Pain Humans were designed to stand upright. And yet in this modern world, too many of us spend our days with our heads slumped over for a simple reason: we’re staring at the tiny screen of a smartphone.People spend an average of 2 to 4 hours each… Read more »

Weight Loss Relieves Symptoms in Knee OA 07105  Weight Loss Relieves Symptoms in Knee OA Obese patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) who maintain an initial weight loss report fewer symptoms compared with their baseline level of symptoms, Danish researchers reported in Arthritis Care & Research. The improvement in symptoms was similar regardless of the weight maintenance program followed; either a dietary… Read more »

Chiropractic Added to Joint Commission Standards on Pain Management

Chiropractic Added to Joint Commission Standards on  Pain Management  The Joint Commission has revised its pain management standard to include chiropractic services. Clinical experts in pain management who provide input to the Commission’s standards affirmed that treatment strategies may consider both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic approaches. Services provided by doctors of chiropractic (who were recognized in 2009 as “physicians”… Read more »

Initiative Links ‘Sugar Science’ to Your Health 07105  Initiative Links ‘Sugar Science’ to Your Health These days, sugar is pretty close to everywhere in the American diet. You probably know that too much sugar is probably not great for your health. Now, a new initiative from UC San Francisco is spelling out the health dangers in clear terms. The  project… Read more »