Summertime and the Sweating is Easy!

Summertime and the Sweating is Easy!

It is hot and you are sweating.  It seems like it is so much but should you be worried?  Maybe but probably not.

1. Embrace the health benefits of a good sweat. Activity-induced sweat raises your heart rate (in a cool room, you’ll sweat when your heart rate is over 80 percent of your age-adjusted maximum), reduces blood sugar and LDL cholesterol levels, dispels stress hormones, and burns calories faster. Passive sweat — from a sauna — is beneficial IF you don’t overdo it. Too hot or too long can stress your heart. 

Bonus: When you sweat a lot, the B.O. will go as you cleanse impurities from your system. 

2. Do you get flop sweats (high anxiety can make for some strong body odors)? Meditation and regular physical activity help calm your system down. Find someone — friend, therapist, family member — to talk to about your nervousness. In the meantime, keep your underarms bacteria-free (they generate the smell) by shaving your pits, applying alcohol-based hand sanitizer or taking a very small dose of a beta blocker (high blood pressure meds). 

3. Plagued by hyperhidrosis — severely excessive sweating? Botox can turn off the tap for up to six months. 

It is ok to use a deodorant (odor is not nice to those around you) but antiperspirants are designed to stop the good thing that sweating is supposed to do so maybe you should not use them.  I understand that this is a personal decision but consider that you are turning off an important behavior your body is trying to do to help you.

via Blogger