Posts Tagged: Blogger

Burning Fat By Eating Right! Burning Fat By Eating Right!  B B If food literally burned fat, we’d all be injecting it directly into our hips and love handles! Unfortunately, biology doesn’t work that way. There are certain foods, however, that create more of a thermogenic effect than others. In other words, they turn up the heat your… Read more »

Physical Fitness = Mental Fitness in Kids Physical Fitness = Mental Fitness in Kids Physical fitness boosts brainpower in kids, study finds  Finally, a study makes the obvious connection – smart kids can also be physically fit kids. it is not an “either / or” question! Forget that stereotype about the dumb jock. A new study reveals that kids who… Read more »

Chiropractors and Doctors Working Together This is an interesting article I found in a Toronto, CANADA newspaper By working together, doctors and chiropractors hope to create health teams to enhance patient care Chiropractor Dr. Candice Gibbs advises GPs on best treatment plans. When a patient’s low back pain did not resolve with exercises, weight loss and medication, Kingston… Read more »

Older Men Can Blame Estrogen for Aging Issues 07105chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comchiropractic-lane.comOlder Men Can Blame Estrogen for Aging Issues So many men, as they age, start getting a pot belly, find they can’t quite do those heavier weights or do as many reps with weights as they could just a few weeks ago, or just don’t have the sexual desire of their younger years.  They… Read more »

Job Stress The Reason For Most Depression Job Stress The Reason For Most Depression In the category of “No Kidding, you finally realized that?” for our brave and inspiring researchers comes this report. Negative working conditions, including low job satisfaction, little control, and a lack of appreciation by employers, are responsible for a sizeable proportion of depression in middle-aged adults, new research… Read more »

Magnesium – a Killer of a Deficiency 07105chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comchiropractic-lane.comMagnesium – a Killer of a Deficiency The mineral Magnesium can be the one thing that can save someone from an instantaneous deadly heart attack. In fact, it could be the answer for an out of control arrhythmia. Those having the lowest levels of magnesium had the highest risk of dying from a heart… Read more »

‘Crucial’ new recurrent miscarriage insight 07105chiropractic-lane.blogspot.comchiropractic-lane.comI lifted this article from the BBC because there were no other sources I could find quickly.  I edited it so it was easier to read.‘Crucial’ new recurrent miscarriage insight Fertility scientists say they have made a “crucial breakthrough” in understanding why some women have repeated miscarriages. More than one in seven pregnancies end… Read more »

Coffee = Lower Risk of Mouth / Throat Cancer 07105 Coffee May Lower Risk of Death From Mouth Cancer: Study People who drink more than four cups of caffeinated coffee daily could significantly reduce their risk of death from certain forms of cancer, according to a new study from the American Cancer Society.Habitual coffee drinkers had about half the risk of dying… Read more »

Expensive Whiplash Treatment Not Better Than Chiropractic 07105 Expensive Whiplash Treatment Not Better Than ChiropracticMore costly, intensive treatment is no better than usual care at hastening recovery from whiplash when compared to chiropractic or other conservative intervention.Researchers looked at more than 3,800 British whiplash patients to compare a more intensive approach to treatment (“active management”) against usual care at 15… Read more »

Omega-3s in Formula Can Help Baby’s Eyesight 07105 Omega-3s in Formula Can Help Baby’s Eyesight A new review of studies finds that supplementing infant formula with omega-3 fatty acids in an effort to strengthen babies’ eyesight does appear to benefit early vision development.However, experts note that breast-fed babies already take in omega-3s naturally from their mothers’ milk.Dr. Michael Bloch, an… Read more »