Posts Tagged: Blogger

Taking the Burn Out of Heartburn

Hi readers!  I rarely reprint a Drs. Oz and Roizen posting so close to the date of the original publication but this one had a few elements I wanted to get out earlier than usual.  We hear a lot about obesity and we can see many people with this problem just by looking around at… Read more »

Running and Low Back Pain

Running and Low Back Pain        Have you ever noticed every time you go running, you have lower back pain either during or after the run? If so, I’m sure you’re wondering if you should quit running, find an alternative sport, or simply stop all activity and adopt a sedentary lifestyle.  If you… Read more »

“What Can A Chiropractor Do For That?”

“What Can A Chiropractor Do For That?”         “I was golfing a month ago (or, at least trying to…) and I hit the ground too hard and felt a jolt in my neck.  Since then, I can’t turn my head to the right, my right arm is numb, and I can’t sleep through the night.  I… Read more »

Preventing Alzheimer’s with B Vitamins

Preventing Alzheimer’s with B Vitamins In the News– May  2013- The National Academy of Sciences is reporting on promising research from Oxford University which may hold out great hope for patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The authors show that a select group of AD patients, namely those with high homocysteine levels, appear to benefit greatly from… Read more »

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Risky Jobs

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Risky Jobs         Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS, is one of many “repetitive strain injuries” or RSI’s and it’s one of the most common work place injuries, second only to low back pain!  The term “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome” was first used in 1939 and since the 1950’s, this disabling overuse injury… Read more »

Outsmart Your Genes With These Five Habits

Outsmart Your Genes With These Five Habits There’s a good reason you greet your friends by asking, “Hi, what’s up?” not “Hey, how’re your genes hanging?” You instinctively know what science is steadily confirming: What you do every day has more impact on how you feel, and whether you live long or die young, than… Read more »

Did you know the late Jack LaLanne was a chiropractor?

I vaguely remember Jack LaLanne.  My mother and her generation was more familiar with him.  He was always the standard for fitness at any age, as far as a whole generation who grew up post- World War II was concerned.This was fitness without steroids, fitness from perseverance and proper food choices.As far as I am… Read more »

Dr. Lane Tells the Truth About Health and Doctors

Hi readers,  I am very grateful that you read my postings – many taken from excellent sources of information about health and caring for yourself.  I don’t write as many posting as I re-post other people’s work because I have no need to re-invent the wheel.  As the title of this posting says, I intend… Read more »

The study that convinced Dr. Lane to add yoga to his practic

Yoga for Low Back Pain Relief:Alternative No Longer A growing number of medical professionals are finding that yoga can provide relief for some low back pain sufferers. Within the past few years, findings from well- designed, peer-reviewed studies have begun to move the practice of yoga beyond the category of alternative therapy.  One widely cited… Read more »


NEW TRY FOR THIS CAPABILITY Hi Readers,   This mundane blog post is a very exciting one for me!  I am in the process of linking this blog to my website,    If this works (and I do believe it will because I am working with a crack team over at my… Read more »