Posts Tagged: Wordpress

CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractors and Sprained Ankles and Sprained AnklesAnkle injuries are not only common, but also costly for many people. According to a study published in 2013, in the United States, an estimated 2 million acute ankle sprains occur each year, averaging $318 to $914 per sprain. Ankle sprains are significant because if not treated properly, the patient will… Read more »

Never Do Harm? Medical Procedures That May Be Useless, or Worse Do Harm? Medical Procedures That May Be Useless, or WorseWe usually assume that new medical procedures and drugs are adopted because they are better. But a new analysis has found that many new techniques and medicines are either no more effective than the old ones, or worse. Moreover, many doctors persist in using… Read more »

Leg Cramps and What Can Be Done About Them

How do you prevent nighttime leg cramps? Many people experience excruciatingly painful cramps in their legs – always at night, and always in his thighs. Many people try pushing fluids, especially tonic water with quinine, as a preventive measure, ice packs can provide the relief when the cramps hit.  To be honest, nighttime leg cramps are… Read more »

Mommy issues: Breast-feeding Increase IQ for Toddlers and Grade-schoolers 07105www.chiropractic-lane.comBreast-feeding Increase IQ for Toddlers and Grade-schoolers Infants who had been breast-fed to age 12 months had higher vocabulary scores at 3 years of age and registered higher verbal and nonverbal intelligence scores at 7 years of age compared with nonbreast-fed infants, in a prospective, longitudinal cohort study.The current analysis, included 1312 mothers for… Read more »

ACE Inhibitors May Slow Cognitive Decline 07105www.chiropractic-lane.comACE Inhibitors May Slow Cognitive DeclineCentrally acting angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (CACE-Is) reduce the rate of cognitive decline in patients with dementia, regardless of blood pressure levels at the time of their hypertension diagnosis, a new study has found.The study also shows that the rate of cognitive change was improved in the first 6 months… Read more »

6 Prevention Strategies That Work Against Hepatitis C 07105www.chiropractic-lane.com6 Prevention Strategies That Work Against Hepatitis CHepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is on the rise, particularly among young white adults living in rural and suburban areas who abuse intravenous opiate drugs (also a source for sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS). A review article published in a special supplement to Clinical Infectious Diseases, coinciding with… Read more »

In-Lab Study Links Sleep Deprivation to Weight Gain 07105 In-Lab Study Links Sleep Deprivation to Weight Gain Restricting sleep to 4 hours a night for 5 consecutive nights led to more weight gain for sleep-restricted participants than for control participants, according to results from a large, diverse, in-laboratory assessing sleep’s effect on weight, calorie intake, and meal timing. The study was published… Read more »

Just 1 in 3 US Patients Has Control of Blood pressure and Cholesterol 07105www.chiropractic-lane.comJust 1 in 3 US Patients Has Control of Blood pressure and CholesterolCHARLESTON, SC — Less than one in three patients in the US have their blood-pressure and cholesterol levels under control, according to a new analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES)[1]. Researchers say there exist significant opportunities for reaching national… Read more »