Thoughts on Achievement

Thoughts on Achievement

– Unless you change how you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got.

– Formal education will make you a living. Self education will make you a fortune.  Think about what you can do when you combine both?!?

– Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom.

I always liked that expression: find the skills you need to reach your goals.  For example, I had to learn internet marketing or I had to pay for it.  I have stumbled many times but I have a pretty good presence on the web now.  Still, it takes work every day to  stay there.

Honestly, I may have reached my limit  and will have to bring in additional professionals to take me to the next level.

– A dream delayed is not a dream denied.  I waited my whole life to become a doctor and then I waited five years more to open my own office.  I never gave up.

Let me tell you – it was so worth it!!

– We can have more than we’ve got because we can become more than we are.  You never stop becoming who you are.  Life is a long learning process that you should never stop.
– When you know what you want, and you want it badly enough, you’ll find a way to get it.

– Miss a meal if you have to, but don’t miss a book.  I grew up with many books but not every toy or thing I wanted.  If my mother was trying to raise me today in the world of computers, ipads, smartphones, computer programs… she would have gone bankrupt and/or had some sad and grumpy children.  

Books we had and we knew the way to the library.  It never disappointed.

– The great gift of the human imagination is that it has no limits or ending.  You can live through the worst moments in your life if you can get lost in what could be.

– Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted to the person we become.  You are the only one who can define success for yourself.  

Having is not always appreciated if it is not earned in some way. In this way, success is not so much what we have as it is what we are.

– I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they do their lives. Perhaps that’s because escape is easier than change.
– We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.

– Before you can be anything, you must visualize yourself as that same thing.  Do you want to win a race? Visualize yourself winning it!  Do you want to be a doctor (like Dr. Lane)?  Visualize yourself being a doctor, treating patients, talking to people about their health.

The best part of being a doctor is doing it – the patient interaction, the meeting the challenge of this specific patient’s needs, the constant search in my capabilities or ideas of how to do the best for this person.

No two patients are the same (some generalities exist but not as many as you think).

For example, back pain.  One condition with dozens of causes and all different depending on who the patient is: male or female, old or young, accident or chronic condition or work-related, disabling or just inconvenient?  

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