5 Ways to Increase Your Lifespan


5 Ways to Increase Your Lifespan

I know that what I am going to write here is a little unusual mixed with the usual but think about what I have written here based on just one idea: before we “knew so much” about health issues, some people lived a very long time, some up to 100 or more.  They lived that long without “knowing” anything about how to take care of themselves “right”.

How did they do that?  They  did it by just living and breathing, socializing and working, and never considering that different stages of life meant that their activities and their thinking should change. They got up every day and just lived.

You should do the same – before you consider a healthy life, remember to have a happy life.

While it’s true that people are living longer these days, it’s not a guarantee. You still have to take good care of yourself, of course. You likely know the basic steps to staying healthy, like loading up on fruits and vegetables, exercising and getting regular checkups, but there are other ways to extend your life that might surprise you.

1. Eat Fatty Foods

This might seem to contradict the usual advice you hear about healthy eating, but fatty foods such as nuts, avocados, olive oil, salmon, tuna and eggs contain healthy omega-3 fats, which many studies indicate can help you live longer.In addition to being major brain health boosters, foods with healthy, monounsaturated fats, balance cholesterol levels, helping to protect your heart and reduce your chance of developing serious heart conditions.

2. Play Brain Games 

Not only can dementia can lead to a shorter life span, it can dramatically reduce quality of life.

Doing crossword puzzles, sudoku and other brain games gives your brain a good workout, which helps keep your memory sharp and reduces your chance of developing dementia by almost 50 percent. Since. You can also do simple tasks to challenge your brain on a daily basis, such as adding up the cost of the items you buy at the store in your head, using your left hand to eat if you’re right-handed or vice-versa and dialing phone numbers from memory instead of speed dialing.

3. Just Get 15 Minutes of Activity a Day

If you’re more of a couch potato, then you’ll be happy to know that you don’t have to do a grueling workout to live longer. As little as 15 minutes of exercise each day can increase your life expectancy by three years. Walking around outside is the ideal way to do this, since you also get to enjoy fresh air, but you can also do a workout inside if it’s too hot or rainy to venture outdoors. Doing things like walking up and down stairs, vacuuming or sweeping your house can keep you fairly active and on your feet. Exercise also gives you the added benefits increased circulation, improved mental capacity and reduced risk of chronic disease. If you can do more than 15 minutes, all the better.

4. Be a Worrywart

You’ve probably heard a lot about the benefits of positive thinking, but there are also benefits to exercising a healthy amount of worry, as it often leads to caution. Exercising a fair amount of caution means you’ll likely be more realistic about the consequences of risky behavior. Going through life with blinders on can mean that you think nothing can go wrong, even if you do things like take up smoking, eat unhealthy foods regularly or drink too often. Keep this in mind when you’re stressed about a project at work, sun spots, stretch marks, or other signs of again that won’t go away or an argument you had with a friend or family member. These kinds of stresses can prompt you be more mindful, and encourage you to find ways to handle life’s everyday blunders.

5. Go have some fun with your friends

Having a strong social life is one of the most effective ways to increase your chances of living longer. Being lonely and isolated, especially when you’re older, can lead to an earlier death. Make plans to go out and have fun at least once a week with friends or family or invite them over to your house for a relaxing evening. Stay in touch on a regular basis by chatting on the phone. It’s not a requirement, but getting married is also another social way to boost life expectancy. Married people tend to live longer than those who remain single.

via Blogger http://chiropractic-lane.blogspot.com/2013/10/5-ways-to-increase-your-lifespan.html