Annie’s Mailbox: Turning Your Health Around

Dr. Lane’s Thoughts:  Can anything I write in this blog about eating right, exercising, and taking control of you health possibly be more clear than this real person’s story?:

Annie’s Mailbox for 4/19/2014

Apr 19, 2014

Dear Annie: I would like to comment on Gail Rae-Garwood’s letter about kidney disease.

I retired in 2010, and like a lot of retirees, I was complacent about my health. I had been taking insulin for my diabetes for 20 years and had high cholesterol and elevated blood pressure. I finally went in for my annual checkup and was shocked to learn that I had anemia and stage-three kidney failure.

I had no symptoms for the kidney failure, with the exception of being tired. I had always attributed that to my diabetes and my age (68). My doctor told me to diet and exercise, but it was up to me to take ownership of my health and be proactive. Nobody is going to do it for you.

To make a long story short, exercising and eating properly allowed me to lose 90 pounds. I reversed my cholesterol in three months and am off of medication. My diabetes went away in six months. In eight months, I reversed my kidney failure and am now completely normal. My BMI is in the healthy range. My wife has lost close to 100 pounds and reversed her thyroid sickness after being on medication for six years. 

So please tell your readers to see their doctors regularly for blood and urine tests and to ask for a copy of the results. Take ownership of your health. Our successes have astonished our doctors. I thank God for waking us up. Now we hopefully will be around to see our grandchildren grow up. I will celebrate my 70th birthday this year and look forward to the new day. To our senior population, it is never too late to do something about your health. — Newbury Park, Calif. 

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