Atrial fibrillation Helped by Weight Loss 07105

Atrial fibrillation Helped by Weight Loss

Now the LEGACY Study from Australia reveals that if you have atrial fibrillation (or a-fib, an irregular heartbeat that can lead to stroke and is getting more common in people over age 65), a great way to help stop the heart from stuttering is to lose weight and keep it off. Researchers followed 355 obese people with a-fib for four years: 45 percent of participants who lost at least 10 percent of their body weight had NO SYMPTOMS of a-fib, without taking any medication. 

About 5.2 million people in North America have a-fib. That number is expected to more than double, to around 12.1 million, by 2030, fueled by the fact that 70 percent of adults are overweight or obese

Most of you with a-fib will benefit enormously from shedding 10 percent of your weight — and not regaining it. And for the rest of you at risk of developing a-fib, wouldn’t it be smart to redo your lifestyle by increasing physical activity and upgrading your nutrition? 

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