Posts By: chirolane

Frequent Saunas Linked to Reduced Stroke Risk 07105 NEWARK Frequent Saunas Linked to Reduced Stroke Risk Taking a sauna may have greater health benefits than just relaxation and pleasure, with a new study linking frequent use of saunas to a substantial reduced risk for future stroke. “The present study adds to emerging evidence that passive heat therapy such as sauna… Read more »

Beta-Blockers May Raise Mortality in People With Diabetes 07105 NEWARK Beta-Blockers May Raise Mortality in People With Diabetes Use of beta-blockers may be associated with an increased mortality risk in patients with diabetes, particularly among those who have coronary heart disease (CHD), new research suggests. The findings, from prospective cohort data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999–2010, were… Read more »

Heavy kids who lose the weight in childhood can avoid extra diabetes risk 07105 NEWARK Heavy kids who lose the weight in childhood can avoid extra diabetes risk Although being overweight as a child increases the risk of type 2 diabetes in adulthood, a new study shows that the extra risk disappears if that excess weight is lost by age 13 and kept off in early… Read more »

Grilled Meats, Fish Linked to Hypertension 07105 NEWARK Grilled Meats, Fish Linked to Hypertension A high consumption of meat, poultry, or fish grilled, broiled, or cooked at a high temperature is associated with an increased risk for hypertension, independent of the overall amount consumed, and the risk is also increased with higher intake of well-done meat. “Among individuals who… Read more »

Magnesium: The Fact That Can Kill You 07105 NEWARK Magnesium: The Fact That Can Kill You Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S. Magnesium can be the one thing that can save someone from an instantaneous deadly heart attack. In fact, it could be the answer for an out of control arrhythmia. Going back as far as 1990 the Journal of the American… Read more »

New UCSD flu discovery could block illness entirely 07105 NEWARK New UCSD flu discovery could block illness entirely Bradley J. Fikes, The San Diego Union-Tribune on Mar 20, 2018 Scientists led by a UC San Diego chemist reported progress recently in researching a universal flu drug, effective regardless of the strain. Seth Cohen, a UCSD professor and co-founder of San Diego’s Forge Therapeutics,… Read more »

A Healthy Look Into The World Of Vitamins (Infographic) 2018 07105 NEWARK A Healthy Look Into The World Of Vitamins (Infographic) 2018 March 20, 2018 Proper dieting and food supplements are essential when it comes to people’s overall well being. In fact, if your body were a machine, the vitamins you take would make sure it’s a well-oiled one. You can take your… Read more »

Smoking tied to higher risk of hearing loss 07105 NEWARK Smoking tied to higher risk of hearing loss (Reuters Health) – Smokers may be more likely to develop hearing loss than nonsmokers, and the risk increases with each additional cigarette people smoke on a typical day, a Japanese study suggests. Researchers examined data on almost 50,000 Japanese workers, ages 20 to… Read more »

DASH Diet Linked to Lower Risk for Depression 07105 NEWARK DASH Diet Linked to Lower Risk for Depression A diet previously shown to reduce hypertension and stroke risk may also help ward off depression, new research suggests. Participants who most closely adhered to the low-sodium Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet were 11% less likely to become depressed over time… Read more »

Wine tied to healthier arteries for some diabetics 07105 NEWARK Wine tied to healthier arteries for some diabetics Some diabetics with plaque buildup in their arteries might have less debris in these blood vessels after adding wine to their diets, a recent study suggests. For the study, researchers examined data on 224 people with type 2 diabetes who normally didn’t drink… Read more »