Posts By: chirolane

Physical strain, emotional upset can trigger heart attack 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Physical strain, emotional upset can trigger heart attack  Intense physical exertion or extreme emotional upset can each trigger a heart attack, and the risk may be highest if the two are combined, according to a new study. “Our study is the largest study exploring this issue, and unlike previous studies we included people… Read more »

Lower Salt = Lower Mortality 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Lower Salt = Lower Mortality People with the lowest intake of sodium have the lowest rates of total mortality, according to a study spanning more than 20 years published October 3, 2016 in theJournal of the American College of Cardiology[1]. The findings by Dr Nancy R Cook (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical… Read more »

A Happy Spouse May Be Good for Your Health 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK A Happy Spouse May Be Good for Your Health A happy spouse may be good for your health. Previous studies have found that mental well-being — feeling happy and satisfied — is closely linked to good physical health. But a new study, published in Health Psychology, suggests that physical health may also be linked… Read more »

Depression Linked to Hormonal Contraceptives 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Depression Linked to Hormonal Contraceptives Women who use oral hormonal contraceptives are at increased risk of developing depression, and adolescents seem most vulnerable, results of a large study suggest. “Women should generally be informed about this potential side effect with use of hormonal contraception, so they can react appropriately in case of mood… Read more »

Yoga as Good as Physical Therapy for Back Pain 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Yoga as Good as Physical Therapy for Back Pain Yoga is as good as physical therapy (PT) in reducing chronic low back pain, the most common pain problem in the United States, new research shows. “Our study showed that yoga was noninferior to physical therapy for a diverse group of low-income patients,” said… Read more »

Treatment could lower crash risk for truckers with sleep apnea 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Treatment could lower crash risk for truckers with sleep apnea Commercial truck drivers who get treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) for two years may reduce their crash risk to the level of drivers without apnea, a study from Italy suggests. For professional drivers, the screening, treatment and management of sleep disorders should… Read more »

Daily Yogurt Consumption Leads to Better Bone Health 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Daily Yogurt Consumption Leads to Better Bone Health Healthy postmenopausal women who eat at least one serving of yogurt a day have a lower body mass index (BMI), less fat, and better bone density — at least at some skeletal sites — than women who never consume yogurt, new research shows. Over time,… Read more »

Smoking May Cut Life Expectancy in ALS 07105chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Smoking May Cut Life Expectancy in ALS A new study shows smoking is linked to reduced survival in patients diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Researchers found that being a current smoker negatively affects ALS prognosis, independent of age, sex, and other known modifiers, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and genetic status…. Read more »

Hara Hachi Bu: The Okinawan’s Secret to Longevity 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Hara Hachi Bu: The Okinawan’s Secret to Longevity Experts Attribute Longevity to the Traditional Okinawan Diet Pamela Oliveras/Moment/Getty Images By Mark Stibich, PhD Updated September 19, 2016 Hara hachi bu (also commonly referred to as hara hachi bun me) is a Confucian teaching that advises people to eat only until they are approximately 80 percent full. It is a… Read more »

Diet and Alzheimer’s disease 07105 chiropractic-lane.comNEWARK Diet and Alzheimer’s disease A new study, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, looked at the relationship between the eating habits of folks in Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Egypt, India, Mongolia, Nigeria, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka and the United States, and the development of Alzheimer’s disease. It uncovered… Read more »