Posts By: chirolane

Your Heartburn Medication Could Be Harmful 07105 NEWARK Your Heartburn Medication Could Be Harmful Some of you will simultaneously reach for a hot dog and for your heartburn medication this 4th of July. You may be shocked to know that both can increase your risk of a heart attack. A study published in June in journal PLOS ONE showed that… Read more »

Statins Linked With Heightened Aggression in Women, But Reductions in Men 07105 NEWARK Statins Linked With Heightened Aggression in Women, But Reductions in Men A new study examining the effects of statin therapy on levels of aggression suggests that men and women may respond differently to the lipid-lowering medications. In men, statin therapy reduced aggression, particularly in younger men, but increased aggression in postmenopausal… Read more »

New Recommendations to Achieve Healthy Sleep 07105 NEWARK New Recommendations to Achieve Healthy Sleep The American Thoracic Society (ATS) has released a policy statement with recommendations for clinicians and the general public on achieving good-quality sleep and getting enough sleep. “Sleep plays a vital role in human health, yet there is a lack of sufficient guidance on promoting good… Read more »

Fats from Fish and Plants Help Adults Live Longer 07105 NEWARK Fats from Fish and Plants Help Adults Live Longer Older adults who eat plenty of fish and vegetables may live longer than people who don’t, a large Swedish study suggests. Among more than four thousand 60-year-old men and women, those with the highest blood levels of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), which come… Read more »

7 Ways to Improve Your Posture (from USN+WR) 07105 NEWARK 7 Ways to Improve Your Posture Has slouching become second nature? Take some professional advice to correct bad habits. When sitting in a chair your spine should not be curved and your head should not be dipped. By SamanthaCosta  US News and World Report  June 19, 2015 Maybe you lock one knee while… Read more »

Controlling cholesterol 07105 NEWARK Keeping your cholesterol in check will give you a boost in your energy and health – and an important athletic victory, too.  A new study from the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina (it’s not just us!) demonstrates how getting 150 minutes of moderate exercise or… Read more »

Higher Intake of Trans Fats Harms Brain Function 07105 NEWARK Higher Intake of Trans Fats Harms Brain Function Higher intake of trans fat, commonly used in processed foods to improve taste, texture, and shelf life, has been linked to worse memory function in men in their prime earning years. Beatrice A. Golomb, MD, PhD, of the University of California, San Diego,… Read more »

The Under-Appreciated Life-Saving Heart Test 07105 NEWARK The Under-Appreciated Life-Saving Heart Test Most people are way too concerned about their total cholesterol when in fact the focus should be on achieving an optimal HDL (good cholesterol) level. The ideal level of HDL should be between 60-70 ng/dL. HDL acts as a wheelbarrow to carry oxidized or “bad” cholesterol off… Read more »

Higher Chocolate Intake May Lower Risk for CV Disease, Stroke in Healthy Adults 07105 NEWARK Higher Chocolate Intake May Lower Risk for CV Disease, Stroke in Healthy Adults Chocolate lovers: more findings suggest that regular consumption of the sweet stuff may decrease the risk of CV events and stroke in otherwise-healthy individuals. Analysis of almost 21,000 adults from the UK’s EPIC-Norfolk study showed that those who ate the… Read more »

The Slim 7: Foods That Help Burn Calories 07105 NEWARK The Slim 7: Foods That Help Burn Calories Use the following seven foods to turn your metabolism into a furnace. 1. GREEN TEA Substances called catechins, which are abundant in green tea, may stimulate the metabolism, studies show. Drinking 4 cups daily should be enough to do the trick, experts say…. Read more »