B-Vitamins Prevent Dementia and Heart Disease

Prevent Dementia and Heart Disease

B vitamins lower homocysteine levels to help prevent brain shrinkage, dementia and heart disease

Researchers from the University of Oxford, publishing the result of a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences have determined that high-dose B-vitamin treatment can slow the atrophy of specific brain regions that are a key component of the Alzheimer’s disease process commonly associated with cognitive decline. Prior studies have identified elevated levels of the protein amino acid know as homocysteine with significantly increased risk of depression and the development of dementia. Homocysteine is a toxic breakdown compound that is elevated in the blood due to a diet high in animal proteins, and also contributes to increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Elevated homocysteine levels persist when intake of the B vitamins, folic acid and B-12 are limited, commonly seen with a diet high in animal protein and lacking in vegetables and fruits. To conduct the study, scientists evaluated 156 elderly people with mild cognitive impairment. 80 participants were given a combination of vitamin B-12 (500 mcg), B-6 (20 mg) and folic acid for a period of two years. A second group received placebo pills.

via Blogger http://chiropractic-lane.blogspot.com/2013/10/b-vitamins-prevent-dementia-and-heart.html