Chiropractic Research Results 2022 07105

Chiropractic Research Results 2022

1) A review of several neurophysiological mechanisms of chiropractic spinal manipulation for spine pain state that spinal manipulation inhibits back and neck pain partly through spinal segmental mechanisms and potentially through peripheral mechanisms regulating inflammatory responses.

2) Spinal manipulation added to standard physiotherapy produced better results over a period of three months for patients with subacute or chronic lumbar radiculopathy.

3) A review of the literature shows that there is basic science evidence that HVLA (high-velocity, low- amplitude controlled vertebral thrusts [this is the kind of adjustment that chiropractors do]) can modulate immune mediators such as neurotensin, oxytocin, substance-P, and interleukin levels in healthy asymptomatic individuals in the short-term.

4) A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) for acute neck pain found SMT alone or in combination with other modalities was effective for patients with acute neck pain.

5) People with Achilles tendinopathy, thoracic spinal manipulation resulted in immediate increase in the total oxygenation index in the calf muscles followed by an increase in the testosterone/cortisol (T/C) ratio for 6 hours post-intervention.

6) SMT is a safer first choice for patients with back pain.  With controlling for patient characteristics, health status, and propensity score, the adjusted rate of adverse drug events was more than 42 times higher for initial choice of opioid analgesic therapy versus initial choice of SMT.

7) Cervicogenic symptoms are prevalent in the acute and chronic stages following concussion, and if not diagnosed appropriately, increase the likelihood of persistent post-concussive symptoms.

8) Young low-back pain patients, approximately age 20, were followed up by MRI for 30 years and found that early degeneration in lumbar discs predicts progressive degenerative changes in the respective discs, but not pain, disability, or clinical symptoms.

9) Ordering an MRI in the first 4-6 weeks of care is associated with increased length of disability in patients with acute LBP without red flags.

10) The modified cervical and shoulder retraction exercise program was shown to improve cervical lordosis and neck pain in patients with loss of cervical lordosis and neck pain in patients with loss of cervical lordosis.  The two-step exercise: raise head up and push the chin backward simultaneously within the pain-free range, and keep upright and try to pull back the shoulder and head within the pain- free zone.

11) Type 2 diabetes was found to be a predisposing factor for lumbar spine disorders.  Type 2 diabetes was significantly associated with lumbar spine degenerative interventional disc disorders, lumbar spondylotic radiculopathy.

12) Vitamin D deficiency is associated with lumbar disc degeneration and LBP in post-menopausal women, specifically a serum vitamin D concentration of < 10 ng/mL.

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