Combining Aerobic and Resistance Exercises Best for Diabetes Control

Combining Aerobic and Resistance Exercises Best for Diabetes Control

Exercise programs that combine aerobic exercise and resistance training may be better at helping people with diabetes control their blood sugar than either type of exercise alone, a new analysis of past studies says.

He said that previous reviews found exercise programs to be beneficial for blood sugar control but none made head-to-head comparisons of aerobic exercise, resistance training and a combination of the two.

The researchers found that aerobic exercise appeared to be more effective than resistance training at reducing HbA1C, a measure of blood sugar control, and fasting blood sugar.

Combined training programs were even more effective than aerobic exercise alone for reducing HbA1C and more effective than resistance training alone for reducing HbA1C, fasting blood sugar and triglycerides, according to the results published in Diabetologia.

Many of the studies were of low quality and all of them involved supervised training only, the researchers note. They say that in the real world, it’s more likely that people would exercise on their own.

Future studies of long-term exercise programs assessing rates of heart disease and death among people with diabetes, for instance, “are needed to develop definitive recommendations,” Schwingshackl said.

He said the American College of Sports Medicine has stated that combining resistance training and aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week may be more effective at improving blood sugar control than focusing solely on one type of training.

I always tell people that if they exercise more than 30 minutes they’ll burn up blood sugar for 24 hours.  Having a combined program of aerobic exercise and strength training is important, McBride added.

“We always talk about how fitness is being strong and having good endurance and being flexible – so it’s good to have a combined program,” he said. “That’s what the emphasis of this study was, being both strong and having good endurance – that was best for people with diabetes.”

McBride said that people who have diabetes or want to prevent diabetes can find personal trainers who are exercise physiologists at most good health clubs and YMCAs.

“These are people with degrees in exercise science and they know all about this,” he said.

SOURCE: Diabetologia, online July 2, 2014.

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