Dietary sodium restriction: take it with a grain of salt.

Dr. Lane’s explanation:  The authors of the article “Dietary sodium restriction: take it with a grain of salt.” state that reducing or restricting sodium intake is a futile gesture for most people.

The authors not only state that the body can handle sodium intake and regulate it without a problem, a patient’s attempts to create a low-sodium diet can have adverse effects on insulin, blood lipids, and hormones which can lead to other problems with the heart and its metabolites.
 2013 Nov;126(11):951-5. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2013.05.020. Epub 2013 Sep 18.

Dietary sodium restriction: take it with a grain of salt.


The American Heart Association recently strongly recommended a dietary sodium intake of <1500 mg/d for all Americans to achieve “Ideal Cardiovascular Health” by 2020. However, low sodium diets have not been shown to reduce cardiovascular events in normotensive individuals or in individuals with pre-hypertension or hypertension. Moreover, there is evidence that a low sodium diet may lead to a worse cardiovascular prognosis in patients with cardiometabolic risk and established cardiovascular disease. Low sodium diets may adversely affect insulin resistance, serum lipids, and neurohormonal pathways, leading to increases in the incidence of new cardiometabolic disease, the severity of existing cardiometabolic disease, and greater cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Although a high sodium intake also may be deleterious, there is good reason to believe that sodium intake is regulated within such a tight physiologic range that there is little risk to leaving sodium intake to inherent biology as opposed to likely futile attempts at conscious control.

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