Don’t Age Yourself Into Retirement – Live Vigorously! 07105

Don’t Age Yourself Into Retirement – Live Vigorously!

Supreme Court Justice from 1902 to 1932, Oliver Wendell Holmes penned, “Men [and women, we say] do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.”

Evolutionary biologists and biomedical researchers from Harvard University agree. They’ve published a paper that shows that human beings aren’t made to take it easy as they age. You’re made to remain physically strong and active! Seems the body is designed so that physical activity later in life shifts your energy toward all the built-in mechanisms that extend good health.

A longer health span to go along with a longer lifespan is the combo you want to cultivate.

It works like this: In older age, physical activity turns on specific genes that kick out health-compromising elements and activate health-enhancing ones. Exercise also creates micro-tears in muscle fibers, cartilage and bone that signal your positively stimulated biochemistry to kick into repair mode, so that you build back better. And, of course, physical activity also prevents excess fat storage and burns calories. But if you don’t do anything to stimulate such improvements, you slide into progressively worse health.

So, start exercising today! Whether you’re walking 10,000 steps a day, doing aerobics and strength-building or playing a sport (best — all the above!), you’re helping your body accomplish what it’s designed for, to live healthfully with as vigorously as possible.

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