Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXIX

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXIX

1) Dr. Lane’s Way to Make the NRA more ‘user-friendly’ to more people (aka  Tanking NRA Memberships Made Easy)

a. Have a bunch of trans men and drag queens to get NRA membership

b. Make a PSA of each of them holding a gun – the bigger and more dangerous the better.  Each guy will be “dressed to impress” as a woman.  Several should be BLACK.

c. Each spot will show one guy after another saying “I’m the NRA” or “you’d better believe, I’m the NRA” or “I’m the NRA and I’m fabulous!”

d. The spot will end with the words “The NRA, not afraid to be inclusive” or “The NRA, accepting everyone since 1786” or “The NRA, all you need to be with us is a gun” or “The NRA is LBGTQ+ – friendly” or “The NRA – OPEN about carrying and OPEN about caring.

e. Watch the number of active members drop.

2)  I want to thank the following people for their mentorship or role in making me the success that I can say I am today:

a. Dr, David Carpenter.  Dr. Carpenter is the author of over 200 article on neurophysiology at the Wadsworth Laboratories in Albany, NY Department of Health.  I knew him as the first Dean of the SUNY Albany School of Public Health [there is a lot of backstory about him in that role but I will spare you].  He pulled my butt out of the fire more than once because of my capacity to always get into trouble with other people.  

I recall one thing out of many that he told me when I inquired about his remaining personal goals.  He told me that he “wanted to help students reach their professional goals” – a very noble thing to think about when your own career was still being realized.  Dr. Carpenter did this for me in that he got me placed firmly into the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic class of 2004 [there is more story there as well but, again, I will spare you].  He was a very kind person to me even if I was already a grown adult at the time when he ran that school.  His door was always open to me to ask questions about medicine and healthcare.

b. Valentine Nadolinski.  I have written about the late Mr. Nadolinski in a  previous entry but I never explained why he was important to me.  Mr. Nadolinski never stopped enjoying his topic of microbiology and teaching it.  He loved everything about his teaching career at SUNY College in Buffalo (Now called University of Buffalo College).  He was about 70 years old when I took his full-year class (2 semesters) and he would bound into the classroom ready to instruct on all the things he loved about microbiology and grateful  to have new students to teach to.  You could feel his enthusiasm every class and I truly appreciated his energy at a time when I needed to find a future for myself.

c. Dr. Francis Zolli, Dean of the College of Chiropractic at University of Bridgeport (UBCC).  He had a history of being an unpleasant person and there were many people who made it clear that they hated him for whatever he did to them.  At one time he was his 6’4″ but also 300 pounds and he wore cowboy boots to add a few inches and smoked cigars.

That was not the Frank Zolli that I knew.  Diabetes had taken most of his structure and I estimated that he was about 180 pounds.  All of his intimidation factors were gone.  I knew a thoughtful and kind person who put the student at the school first.  I found him witty and thoughtful and his door was always open to me to discuss and explore my future as a chiropractor.  He also had to save me from professors who found a deep dislike to me (one wanted me expelled for a minor infraction only 6 months before graduation!).

d. Dr. Joel Paull.  He is an interesting person in his own regard having started his education as a dentist but a return to school to become a doctor was made after he started his dental career and he went through medical school eventually becoming a plastic surgeon.  he was kind to my mother and my struggling family and he never forgot us for the rest of his career.  I will never forget how he treated my mom and was always available to us as a mentor even when we could not afford to see him as a doctor.  He took my mother’s Medicare insurance when she needed a consultation even if I don’t think he submitted a claim.

3)  The American Heart Association has found these factors contribute to longevity with decreased disability:

  • Not smoking;

  • Regular physical activity;

  • Healthy weight;

  • Healthy diet;

  • Healthy sleep (defined as an average of 7-9 hours nightly);

  • Blood pressure in a healthy range:

  • Blood glucose in a healthy range; and

  • Non-HDL cholesterol in a healthy range.

4) Tucker Carlson is no longer working for FOXNEWS.  It is not like I care about what happens to a bloviated self-righteous rich person who sold entertainment as news; a man born to wealth and White Man Privilege (WMP) with the basest of opinions about anyone not of his background or skin color. He was an obsequious toad to Trump while openly writing about how much he despised the guy (I imagine that the feeling was mutual but their relationship was symbiotic so they both ‘won’).  His life gave his backass uneducated (or seriously undereducated) watchers their daily assurance that they were the true rulers of this world and people with more liberal or open-minded views (or just plain acceptance of anybody considered ‘other’) the ENEMY of the ideals of the USA.  He was clear in his daily reassurance: that his viewers’ fears are justified, that their biases are noble, that the world is precisely as disordered as they claim it—and need it—to be. Carlson gave his audiences the stories they wanted to hear; in return, they gave him fervent loyalty.

His departure will leave barely a ripple in the sea of news sources.  His followers will find another blowhard and fake news source; his FOXNEWS masters will guarantee it.

5).  Here is a link about eye color and shape what they mean for your health LINK

6)  Wouldn’t it be great if we only lived around people of our own skin color? Or religion?  How about SES or attractiveness or political affiliation?  It sure would be easier to know that everyone thinks our way or faces the same issues in their life that we do every day.

But it is not a good thing to live like that or want to live like that.  Not just unrealistic but actually confining and limiting.

People as they are is a far more interesting way to develop who we are; vantage points and perspectives open us up as people and that is the only way that I would want to go through life.

7) I skip any songs on my daughter’s playlist on Spotify that begin with “yo’, “nigger’ or “fuck”.  She might find something of value in those songs but I do not.  No one should find pleasure in songs that push them down as a people or are written in a gutter fashion no matter how much ‘art’ they think is there.

8) There is a popular expression, “the straw that broke the camel’s back’ – it is a colloquial expression that refers to the small, lightweight piece of straw that is the final weight that causes the strong camel to fail and get ‘broken’.  Everyone assumes that it is this one small item that is what did the damage but they (intentionally?) fail to note that this camel has been standing, possibly for hours, being loaded down with many lightweight pieces of straw until the cumulative load breaks him.

This is my life as a father and husband.  No one in my world thinks that what they are asking of me is ‘asking for much’ but it is the cumulative weight of all of their requests that will kill me some day.

My birthday is coming up and all I want is the day off from the standard demands, commands, and needs that they all have and the judgements, and comments I have to listen to all day; whether about me (but most of them are about me and my many ‘failings’) or about others.  Not one of them thinks that what they are asking for is ‘much’ but the needs go only one way since I ask nothing of them (this is not out of lack of trying but the persistent resolution that almost nothing is ever acknowledged).  I also know that if I do ask they have to contemplate if they can do it, check their ‘schedule’ and discuss this in a manner of deep contemplation before rendering a decision (even if this request was for a bottle of water from the kitchen).  They will not be inconvenienced but think nothing of what they ask out of me.

My life with my family is tenuous and they will withdraw their role in my life on the slightest whim when it and if it pleases them with no thought of how much I have done and tolerated from all of them for the last 8 years.   

9)  So, why use chiropractic for your musculoskeletal problems? Simply, there cannot be a pharmacological solution for mechanical pathology.  A problem from sprain/strain or trauma needs the intervention of a specialist who can assist you in the repair and a repair that will be long-lasting.  Surgery only leads to more surgery if the repair is not followed by adequate physically-based rehabilitation.

10)  Why does anyone believe that when people tell you that they will change that there is any reason to believe them?  If they wanted to change they would have done it before the need to state this desire.  Promises are just empty words; empty words spoken in desperation to maintain another person in your life.

11) A new study tracked more than 140,000 people over 11-plus years and found that “frequent consumption of fried foods, especially fried potatoes, was linked with a 12% higher risk of anxiety and 7% higher risk of depression” compared to folks who don’t eat fried foods.

High-temperature frying creates a chemical reaction between sugars and an amino acid called asparagine in plant-based foods. The result is something called acrylamide, which is tied to inflammation of brain neurons, causing emotional distress. The Food and Drug Administration says it also may be associated with a risk of cancer

12) If you read the news you will see stories about the horrors of sexual slavery and pornographic movie exploitation and many of these stories are tragic.  We can all agree that they are tragic and the stories of degradation.

There are other stories that tell a different story of women seeing sexual work as an opportunity for a good income and a means to leave behind a world of terrible family life and exploitive boyfriends.  In short, they do not have a problem with this choice of work.

When the second group are written about the reporters and highly-educated professionals write that these women were ‘groomed’ and have “Stockholm Syndrome’ and any manner of pseudo-psychological explanations for these responses from these women.  For some of these women I would say that this may be a rational explanation.

For many of these women, they have made a clear choice and they are not beholden to anyone.  They are not exploited and they are not being held under the thumb of a pimp.  The same professionals state that these women are not rational and have PTSD.  In other words, that these women cannot be trusted to know their own minds.

I am not trying to write a statement here extolling the virtues of a dark side of our society but to ask a different question: if these women do not agree with these experts are they supposed to be taken away and kept until they agree that they are being used for nefarious purposes or can we just accept that they have made a rational decision for themselves that they may, in the future, change their minds about.  Is their lack of agreement with the rest of society or their families the grounds to state that their decision is ‘wrong’?

In many way this same argument can be made about any decision that any women make about their lives where the stakes are considerably lower but the defiance of their families is just as acute: the men they choose to be with, either having children or not having children, where they want to live or how close they want to live to their parents or other family members.

Many of us make choices, wrong  or right, good or bad, that are not what other people in our lives would do but we have a lifespan to change those decisions or decide other avenues to pursue and no one thinks that we should be ‘deprogrammed’ or that we were ‘groomed’ to think the way we do.  No one says that we were ‘groomed’ because we wanted to become a lawyer (or not become one), that we were ‘exploited’ by a spouse to marry them, or that there was coercion when we decided to move to LA or NYC.  We only use those words where there are ‘moral values’ at stake.

Honestly, there is as much ‘grooming’, exploitation, and coercion when ‘good’ decisions are made as when we suspect ‘bad’ decisions have been made and thinking that only women are ‘victims’ of this is misogynist and, frankly, irrational.

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