Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXVII

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts LXVII

1) Recall how many Americans, in the grim depths of the pandemic, refused to understand the wearing of masks as anything but “virtue signaling”—the performance of a political view, rather than a genuine public-health measure. Note how many pundits have dismissed well-documented tragedies—children massacred at school, families separated by a callous state—as the work of “crisis actors.” 

Such horseshit.  I can also imagine that many of these people who state a facetious purpose of using a mask or using fake victims to pretend to be dead (is this a ‘thing’?) were not personally touched by either tragedy so they feel free to voice their opinions about the events.  Maybe these people should talk to parents who lost children in either crisis to learn about how dead children are just playing a role in a political theater.

I had a guy in my office who saw my DR. FAUCI action figure and informed me that Dr. Fauci was a criminal and a fake who ‘made millions’ from the COVID-19 crisis.  How Dr. Fauci did this was not explained to me.  He also informed me that the COVID-19 vaccine causes blood clots (this is news to anyone in healthcare who actually knows about the vaccine).

I asked him how he knew all this about Dr. Fauci and the vaccines causing blood clots.

“I heard about it on YouTube.  A nurse told me about the blood-clotting”

About 5 different trainings can call themselves a ‘nurse’ from LPN to Nurse’s assistant [NA] (this is not legal but they get away with it) to BSN to APRN, as well as medical assistants [MA] (again, they aren’t supposed to).  Who can say who told this guy this information; or perhaps no one did and he thought that he would ‘impress’ me with the source of his ‘secret’ information.

All I can say is that I will not try to impress you with how much I (do not) know about your profession if you also commit to not spreading BS about my profession.  Is it a deal?

2) I have learned that you are as interesting as how much money you have.  If you are poor you are considered to ‘talk too much’ but if you have some money you are considered ‘unique’ or ‘learned’ or ‘a raconteur’ because you are now more interesting to people who believe you may share your largesse with them.

Poor is never better.  Having money makes you more comfortable with yourself and the world around you.  Having money lets you enjoy the world around you while poor makes every decision about cost and necessity.  When you are poor spending and extra $1 will cause you anguish and self-recrimination while having money makes an error like that a mild issue of no importance.

Of course, having money from uncomfortable sources is a burden: a job you hate, a partner you despise, or a means that is somewhere between criminal and distasteful (selling drugs or being a ‘sugar baby’), or just wrong (running scams comes to mind).

I don’t want to brag (but if anyone deserves to do this, it is me.  I have been poor more than half my life and now I am not) but I LOVE my career as a DC doing medical exams and tests for people in the trucking fields.  I love my clients, I like my neighbors in the (nitty, gritty city) Newark and I love coming home to my wife and daughters.

When you are poor you are immediately infantilized; whether it is because you need another person to pay for things for you or whether the accepted ideal of an adult is that they ‘pay their own way’ in life and do not need another person stepping in ‘to take care of things’. You are ‘less than’ other people.

As written in the NYT on 2/14/2023: Poor, uneducated [I would add ‘educated but poor’] men are being excluded from the marriage market because there are fewer women who want to marry them. Women have become better educated and prosperous, on average, and they would rather marry someone who is their socioeconomic equal. However, there’s a shortage of unmarried men with high socioeconomic status. So, many of the women with high aspirations remain single.

Simply, you are not ‘good’ – if you are a man, a woman will seek out someone who makes more than her; if you are a man, you are concerned about a woman using you to pay for things or being a ‘gold digger’.  Poor is an ugly road to travel.

2) Averting Obesity in Teens – more walking, less screens. Both increased activity and less screen time are important for preventing overweight and obesity in adolescents, new research suggests.

3) FOXNEWS has tried to claim that their news iis for ordinary people but it is 100% presented by wealthy elite people who lie and divert news to meet the needs of their media overlord, Rupert Murdoch, a man who has carefully stayed out of the news so that his people can appear unbiased. Fox News is the most prominent offender of elitism. The Fox all-star lineup, especially in prime time with Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, is a parade of millionaires who work for Rupert Murdoch, one of the richest and most powerful men who has ever lived.

In a recent ATLANTIC article, “According to documents from Dominion’s legal filing, Fox News hosts repeatedly exchanged private doubts about Republicans’ 2020 election-fraud claims [specifically about TRUMP]. Hannity, in the weeks after the 2020 election, said that the regular Fox guest and top conspiracy-pusher, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, was “acting like an insane person.” Ingraham had a similar evaluation: “Such an idiot.” And it’s not like Murdoch didn’t share that sentiment: In one message, he said Giuliani and the Trump lawyer Sidney Powell were pushing “really crazy stuff” and he told Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott that their behavior was “damaging everybody.”

The article went on to say, “Carlson wasn’t worried about the truth; he was worried about the profitability of the Fox brand. When the Fox reporter Jacqui Heinrich did a real-time fact-check on Twitter of a Trump tweet about voter fraud, Carlson tried to ruin her career. “Please get her fired,”

As Vox’s Sean Illing tweeted today, Bartiromo’s thirsty pursuit of ratings is a reminder that “no one has a lower opinion of conservative voters than conservative media.” More important, Fox’s cynical fleecing of its viewers is an expression of titanic elitism, the sort that destroys reality in the minds of ordinary people for the sake of fame and money. Not only does such behavior reveal contempt for Fox’s viewers; it encourages the destruction of our system of government purely for ratings and a limo to and from the Fox mothership in Times Square.

4) It is not what you do when you work but what you do when you do not have to put in labor for an income that defines you. What you define as “free time” and how you use it is how you see what is needed to make your life complete.

Taking into account that doing all things at all times us not possible; what you now do defined as what is important to you to do with this available time decides all of your future choices. Do you use the time to pursue your health and body – to make it stronger or improve its efficacy, to seek ‘good health and wellness’ or do you use the time for study (in some way deepen your knowledge about something or just increase your knowledge base).

What about both? On different days. Do both become your priorities? Is this by choice or by some kind of requisite? Do you want to lose weight or better define your body shape or do you need to further your education because of necessity or a longing to gain insight for your own volition?

There is still the need to expand your experiences, whether through video games or travel, or just expand through pursuing an art images or gastronomic adventure , or other form of art. Could this be related to our lives of music; for some a means to interlude but for others it can and must be an obsession.

We must include the people satisfied by their employment (for the most part, the self-employed or the professional) who derives importance to their endeavors enough to meet these other purposes of this list. For them, their work is the musical adventure, or their alcohol addiction or their travel adventure. Truly, they feel fulfilled by their daily job.

I feel fulfilled by my work as a doctor but I also need to elevate the worlds of my daughters and wife so that they can also be fulfilled. marriage and parenting, though different in the roles you play, both offer the role of teacher, mentor, and guide to the people you love to assist them as they find their own way in this world we share.

For me, it is also reaching back to the land of my wife, Colombia, to assist her mother and brother (and his family). The more people we elevate, the better the world becomes. In the end, you make the world a better place.

5) The most beautiful and accomplished people you will know are those who have known defeat, they have known failure, they have known suffering and loss, they have known struggle (whether inside themselves or outside of themselves), they have known how to empathize losses of their own or those of others, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern for others. Beautiful people do not just happen – they develop and that takes time.

6) Fingernails are pretty interesting. Fingernails can be a great indicator of your overall health. Although a majority of malformed nails can be explained by external injury or poor nutrition or digestion, some abnormalities may be caused by more serious medical conditions. Extreme rounding of the nails, known as clubbing, can be a symptom of oxygen deficiency, for example, possibly related to various lung disorders. Horizontal ridges, known as Beau’s lines, could be a sign of kidney problems or diabetes. The color of your nails can indicate that something is amiss, too. Yellow nails are commonly associated with fungal infections but may also be a sign of thyroid disease, while very white nails may point to liver problems such as hepatitis.

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