Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXX

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXX

1) When Republicans refuse to move forward to impeaching Trump a second time for inciting insurrection they are not “Pro-GOP” or “Pro-US” they are only one thing: “Anti-USA”.  This is not about unity; it is about supporting the laws and rules by which we are governed.  

Every person, elected or routine citizen, has to be held to the same concepts of American democracy.  You cannot expect to go unpunished for soliciting insurrection, even if you do not participate directly.  Trump was the POTUS and he was telling his followers to either siege the US Capitol and / or attack the elected leaders who represent each state in the United States.  Those GOP who fidget and make excuses are not worthy of their office or any role in leadership which must be administered without regard to party affiliation or political party.

Moreso, they would be up in arms if any member of the Democratic Party did the same thing as Trump.  Without question, if the Democratic politician was Black or Latinx there would probably be an immediate censure with the assurance that a trial was held and that person was properly punished.

The GOP is in the throes of Trump and most of them are living a life of either fear of the repercussions of his wrath or an amorous infatuation bordering on sexual attraction.

Trump deserves neither form of attention.  He is a living embodiment of human failure on both a physical and metaphorical level; a gross waste of humanity without any redeeming qualities who who’s death would only bring a momentary recognition by his weak-willed children to be quickly followed by release from their psychological bondage and, probably, a celebration. 

2) We cannot allow Marjorie Taylor Green to remain in office a moment longer.  I do understand that people are allowed to vote for a person that they feel will represent their needs in their community of their state and reflects their views but this woman has proven repeatedly to not represent the ideals and democratic principle of the USA.  Not only is she a follower of QAnon, but she has videotaped and put on various public forums her confrontation with a survivor of the Parkland shooting.  MTG endorsed calls to execute Democrats before she was elected. She is atrocious in her behavior.

Other examples of her strange beliefs:

a) Jewish space lasers started the California fires.  Mind you she is not talking about Israel but US people of Jewish descent and faith who she believes keep high-powered lasers in some organized manner openly.

b) School mass shootings were staged (it is not clear if she knows that young people died).

c) Hillary Clinton killed a child, drank their blood and wore their face as a mask

d) The Clintons killed JFK, Jr.

e) Muslims don’t belong in US government

f) Obama, Clinton, and Pelosi should be executed for treason.

g) 9/11 was a government inside job 

Once again, I have to say these words: she is not a good representative of either the Republican Party or the United States in any way.  She is the people of the US at their worst and a bad face to people outside the US of our ideals.  It goes without saying that she also is a blind and fervent follower of Trump, which is part of her belief in QAnon.

3) There are people who believe that the COVD-19 vaccine actually gives you the virus.  This is not true.  For this to be true you would have to have the 5-6 drug manufacturers who are creating the vaccine to agree to keep it a secret and the thousands of employees involved in the research in each company.  This is not possible.

In fact, it is much more likely that each company is concerned about spies in their labs stealing their research to bring to the other companies!  It would be feasible that each company would want to take over the market for their vaccines and get more money and credit for creating the vaccine and slowing or stopping the pandemic!  Capitalism does not create cooperation, especially in keeping secrets that involve killing thousands of people.

You have to ask – why would killing people benefit a vaccine-manufacturing company that has to please shareholders?

4) There are many people who do not understand the Dalai Lama of Tibet. Just to be clear, Tenzin Gyatso is the 14th Dalai Lama (you are born a Dalai Lama and are discovered after the death of the previous one), the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and global leader of Tibetan Buddhism. You do not have to be Buddhist to adhere to some of his ideas. None of his ideas are separate from the Judeo-Christian belief system that encompasses the Eurocentric model of many of my readers. The Dalai Lama teaches that we are all interconnected and inseparable from one another. Acknowledging that can make us less lonely, more compassionate, and better investigators of the truth.

His main instruction to all people is simple: to attain happiness, one must be able to say, “My life is something meaningful, something useful.” This, in turn, requires an understanding of our common purpose: “the taking care of each other,” which is our “human nature.”

5) Tyler Perry is just the worst!  He plays on strange prejudices about black people while becoming a billionaire (that is BILLION with a “B”) by exploiting those same prejudices to a population of Black people.  We can dismiss the cruel tragedy of “Birth of a Nation” because of the era it was made but the formulaic design of a Tyler Perry movie (when he is not playing Madea which is awful in itself) is a cruel swipe against Black people by someone who knows that much of it is wrong.  Tyler Perry is the Nicholas Sparks (another person who has made millions by absolutely hating his audience and demeaning them – and has written a clear essay about his feeling about them to remove all doubt) but still able to reach these same people because he knows that very few of the teenagers and young women who like him actually read anything he writes other than the books he exploits them with.

The formula of Tyler Perry:

a) Married woman in distress from a man.  The woman is flawless in her wonderful humanity in every way possible.  If she is young then she is also strikingly beautiful.

b) Man kicks her out of the marriage to bring in another woman.  The other woman is heartless and mean to the good woman.

c) Woman has no recourse because the law and the police work against her because they have no other recourse but to support the legal position of the man.

d) Tyler Perry brings in a good man who is also pure and without flaws in every way.  A knight of mythical proportions who is also good-looking.

e) Bad man continues to exploit the woman by ruining her name and stealing from her and pinning the crimes on her.

f) Woman still has no recourse because the laws support the man.  

g) A crime is committed and our woman is blamed. There is never any investigation done because the legal system only goes as far as ruining the black woman but never tries to recover its stolen money or repair damage.  It is enough (the movie suggests) that it can be blamed on a Black woman.

h) Tyler Perry has heard of the word “law” and has some vague idea about what lawyers do and judges but then creates a stew of misunderstanding about their roles and their limitations to make things even worse for the woman in distress.  The TV show “Law and Order” does a better job in being honest about the legal process and that show is also formulaic.

i) The bad man turns out to be ten times worse than you could ever imagine.  I am talking about ‘chained women in the basement evil’ (actual plot of one of his movies).  There is also the required sprinkling of other bad Black women who assist the bad Black man.

j) The good Black man intervenes (there is always the need for guns to be used) and the good woman is redeemed through the court system.

Tyler Perry came along too late for the civil rights movement to exploit the bad WHITE man as a trope but he has clearly staked out the bad BLACK MAN as his predictable evil person to be beat back and conquered (he plays to a black female audience; I mean he ‘plays a black female audience’ and exploits them).  His movies are almost 90% black actors so the Black community supports him and I would have to speculate that he believes that as a heterosexual Black man he feels that he can comment about other Black men.  There is no question that he is a billionaire because he knows his audience well.

8) I hope you meet people who have a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.”

— The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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