Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXXVIII

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXXVIII

1) Feel free to beat me up for this blog entry.  To my women readers: stop telling everyone on your job or in your school about your aches, cramps, and pains, especially those related to your period.  It demeans you as professionals.

Who do you think that your audience is?  Is there going to be sympathy there?  It is either other women who smirk at you because they do not have the same problems as you (at least at this moment) and hold you in contempt or it is men who just do not care.  Those same men are putting you in a place of lesser professionalism because you are offering an excuse as to why you can never be ‘the best’ (you know, like them and their sorry performances).

A woman boss?  You are just giving her a reason to hire only men.  She wants to be the only one who can use a ‘female’ excuse!  She does not want to be in the ‘sympathy business’.  If anything, she sees being ‘soft’ on other women as an obstacle to rising to the top of the company and will then hire only men so that she can ‘play with the big boys’.

The world will not change to suit you.  It is real pain but the world will not become more sympathetic because ‘we all need to treat each other as equals and this is a real problem for women’.  it is still women competing in a ‘level playing field’ asking for a special dispensation (and, therefore, not ‘equal’).  There is no equal problem for men so you have automatically asked for a different playing field.

Am I an unpleasant jerk?  I do not think so – I am just a good source of common sense.  I grew up with a sister and a mother.  I have 2 daughters now.  I have two women employees. The rules do not change in our home or the home I grew up in: I will bring you Advil and a warm hot water bottle in the house when you need it but outside the house ‘keep it to yourself’.  I want you to be an equal to men and my daughters to rule the world and I do not want excuse as to why the people in your workplace do not treat you as an equal.

2) There are boys in the life of my younger daughter.  She is 15 and a really nice girl and a real ‘hottie’.  I could not be more proud of her!

There is a boy I think is very smart and a good kid for her to be around.  He comes from a home with money issues like the one I grew up in.  Whenever there is an event she wants to go to that may be expensive for him I try to pay for it so that he can go.  I pay if I can or treat the kids who come over to a meal.

Years ago, I was that boy.  it was worse because with my twin brother it was twice as expensive for my mother so we often did not go to places or participate in activities because our family did not have the money.  I do not want another kid to go through that.  

3) I think that the ‘vaccine-hesitant’ and the people who are “Pro-Trump” and all those people using oddball and dangerous products against COVD-19 instead of getting vaccines as just lonely people who feel invisible.  Getting attention by putting their health or the nation at risk is a way of getting attention.  Their goal of ‘hitting back at the libs” (i.e. liberals) is just a way of frustrating more-educated people or intelligent people with their nonsense.  They are able to use really weird arguments to diminish the words of people who know more, read more, and got any higher education in the only way they know, by stating “bodily sovereignty” and “intellectual sovereignty” that what they was in their bodies or in their minds should be solely up to them.

These same people will get into altercations when asked to wear a mask in any establishment or on a plane and elsewhere for the sole purpose of getting removed by force.  They want the scene because it means that they are noticed and not invisible.

Years ago these same people fought to smoke in public, beat their kids or wives openly, and so on because they felt that their ‘rights’ were being prohibited.  When the typical fallout occurred they also used the statement that their parents were able to do these things with rebuke so now their “rights” were being eroded.

4) If attempts to help a young person gain a better education leads to them anger and frustration –  that the experience is making them ‘talk white’ or ‘forget where they came from’ then just drop them from the program.  The world does not need a person who is working so hard against the very requisites that they need to succeed – speaking and acting like a person in the majority population that is making all the changes in their lives.

If you continue to fight ‘talking white’ and, somehow, succeed to finish a degree then you will have only succeeded in creating a ‘second tier’ where your reading, writing, and speaking skills will leave you at the lowest rungs of any organization, if anyone would hire you.  Making your ‘people’ and ‘your family’ your only priority instead of trying to change your world and your opportunities dooms you to a life of resentment and frustration as doors get closed in your face.

I have read the stories about 15-year-olds who feel that they are the only person keeping their family together because the parents are drug addicts, the family of 5-10 kids is chronically homeless or they are the only one holding the family together, or perhaps they are the only one who can keep their siblings away from gangs, and so on.  It is sad but if you feel you are not only going to get pulled back to that world you are trying to leave behind  but that you must go back to that world then higher opportunities are not for you.  It is a sad fate that improving yourself cannot help the people you care about the most.

Universities do something much more insidious (in a good way) than give you a degree – they indoctrinate you to the world of successful people so that you can function in the world.  if you struggle with changing yourself then you will fail.

Just for the record, this process of changing you may be extreme for a person straight from the ghetto or barrio but it is really something that happens to everyone who goes to college, especially if they live on campus.  Your teachers correct your use of English to make it more standard, the books you read are written in an English that is standard so that you can communicate in a more fluid manner and the ideas you learn about are the ones that create the solid basis for many of the ideas in this country.

Money spent on someone who is 13-17 years-old who does not want to make changes in their skills because they are afraid of losing their identity, is wasted.  In the world of making sacrifices, changing your language skills does not warrant a mention or a tear.

If your life must be eating the foods of ‘your people’ and nothing else (Empanadas, chicken wings, ‘red drink’, tacos, ribs, and so on if you are Black or Latino) then you will always be fighting the one way that people build bridges; sharing a meal as an invitation to greater friendship or even  intimacy.  If always having to speak in the inflections common in your area is more important than the standard White-dominated lingua franca of the United States then you are begging to be left behind.  Consider that if you move to Greece but insist on forcing everyone to talk to you in English you will be resented and told to learn Greek if you intend to stay.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Quite seriously, there are many successful Black and Latinx men and women who can still ‘talk street’ but you will also see that same person speaking in perfect Standard English when the situation calls for it – they have been able to build that bridge that goes back and forth between “roots” and “places for success’ without losing anything in the transition.  

Give these opportunities for young people like the Milton Hershey Scholarships to people who really want it and you will see unparalleled success.  if you give it to someone who feels too close to the same things holding them back and you will see a failure of equally unparalleled dimension.

If you create a scale of people who would succeed with scholarships like the Milton Hershey, perhaps a “1” for ‘entrenched by guilt and family to stay “ghetto”‘ and “10” for ‘already capable of code-switching between inner-city and ‘standard American’ you should probably offer opportunities to those who fall between 4-7,  The “10” kids probably will be just fine with what is offered them and the “1” kids really will never break free to pursue what the world has to offer.

5)  I have launched CBD-lane.com as a means to sell my 3 products.

All I can say is this: I wouldn’t put my name on it if it wasn’t the best possible product to help your issues.  I take pride not only in being a good doctor but moreso that I am a man of integrity and honesty.  Sincerely, I would not market a garbage product for any amount of money.

I am selling this in the office in Newark, NJ (which is where you can pick it up if you buy from the website https://bit.ly/3oxwDrH and want to save on the cost of postage).  I use a small amount of the rub and patients can’t believe how quick and effective it is!

My gummies are strong and half of one is enough to help people with stress or pain.

6) Let’s be clear about Delta-8 (CBD) and Delta-9 (THC – the stuff found in marijuana).  To get a high from Delta-9 (THC) you have to pick the leaves off the marijuana plant and dry them to smoke them.  That is very straightforward – smoke the leaves.

To get anything out of Delta-8 (CBD) you have to take the dried plant – a lot of it.  When I tell you ‘a lot’ I mean probably an acre of the plant and break it down in a large vat using chemicals.  Next, you have to distill it by boiling it and taking the extract out.  This is a manufacturing process in the same way that making alcoholic drinks or pharmaceuticals is.  Now you have the product!  Not a simple process by anyone’s imagination.

Delta-8 products of any quality (like mine) have a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) on the side which informs you that an independent  lab has analyzed the contents and found them to be exactly what was noted on the contents label.

Will Delta-8 give you a ‘high’?

Yes, Delta-8 will give you a high but one that is different that THC.

Delta-9 (THC) will show up on a drug screen and get you busted for using drugs – costing you your job.

Delta-8 will not show up on a laboratory drug screen (the legal standard for clearly showing drugs in your standard by looking at your urine).  You are legally allowed to use Delta-8 products.

THC (Delta-9) stays in your urine for about 3 months after you have used it.  Do not trust products on the market that claim to give you ‘clean’ urine.  You have to accept that you will show up as positive for about 3 months.

Delta-8 products will give you a similar effect without the problem of coming up as a positive.  If this is the reason you are using my products then you are safe.

How does CBD Help with pain or stress?

You know that you have a central nervous system (CNS) made up of your brain and spinal cord and all the nerves that run off of them that give you pain and sensation.

You may also know that you have a circulatory system that delivers blood to the muscles and organs of your body.  Parallel to your circulatory system is a lymph system that removes waste products from your circulatory system, the largest part of which is your spleen and lymph nodes,

There is a system that matches your CNS system (like the lymph system matches your circulatory) and it is the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).  According to Wikipedia, ‘the endocannabinoid system is a biological system composed of endocannabinoids, which are endogenous lipid-based retrograde neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors, and cannabinoid receptor proteins that are expressed throughout the vertebrate central nervous system and peripheral nervous system (Wikipedia 10/4/2021).  CBD works on this system and can help in modifying the body’s response to issues that affect the CNS system.

Just to give my readers a ‘heads-up’ we are working on a weight-loss product.  I can’t write more about that until I am comfortable with the results.  Speculatively, you can lose 11 pounds in 6 weeks.

7)  Do you use SPOTIFY?  If so, listen to my playlists, titled SAFETY LANE.  We have 1 through 6 at this time (so, Safety Lane #1 through to Safety Lane #6)

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