Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXXXII

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Dr. Lane’s Thoughts XXXXII

1) The dilemma of getting a college degree: You need the degree to get the job – that is understood: some jobs do involve advanced training or understanding of information or skills to be done correctly.  The employer has specific standards that must be met and the college degree is their standard so the employer demands the education to offer the job.

People take out student loans because that is how you afford to go to college (it is even called ‘good debt’).  You leave owing at least $50,000+ for that education. Yet, the jobs offered to you don’t pay enough to live on and repay the loans for the education.  

This is the dilemma of the modern world of employment in the United States.

2) Donald J. Trump explained: 

a) Trump can’t believe that everything he does is not anointed as ‘good’ because he, himself, did it.

b) He can’t believe that people don’t get out of his way to let him do whatever he wants and whenever he wants (which has been his lifestyle his whole life).

c)  that anyone should be allowed to disagree with him.  The media is his ‘enemy’ for telling the truth about him and other politicians for defying him.

d) that knowledge and information should be allowed to exist that disagrees with his gut (which is how he governed in life and as president because he has poor education skills in reading and writing)

 e) that he should take time to contemplate anything (he ‘leads with his gut’ as he has often stated)

f) that laws apply to him, 

g) that people either think he is a loser or can barely stifle the desire to call him that

h) that he represents the worst impulses in men and the Republican Party,

i) that speaking out about him is a sign of strength in his former colleagues (e.g. Liz Cheney)

j) that people who speak out for him and support him indicates a full weak personality that is usually craven and uneducated or pandering for ratings or approval.

3) The “new” Republican Party (GOP) explained:

a) they believe their constituents are too dumb to disagree with them

b) protecting the rich and convincing people that their policies will make them rich enough to be protected by tax laws will be good for this country

c) Protecting the rich who are the prime polluters and destroyers of the climate is good because it works in the short-term.  They also fight regulations that try to protect the environment because that helps these same rich people.

d) Creating fears of any race other than White is important to their party’s identity.

e) Making people see others as their enemy is a good way to win elections

f) Voting against measures that help people is good for the party while simultaneously crowing about those same achievements (if they succeed) as a personal achievement because they know that their constituents won’t look to see how they voted.

g) Money is power so those without money don’t deserve power or even for their voices to be heard

h) The modern GOP hates women unless they are married to rich men or, in business,  simulate the behaviors of avarice more commonly found in men.  The 

i) Republicans routinely vote against measure that help women if they only help women.  The truth is that Women’s ‘Rights = Human Rights.

j) They hate immigrants despite the truth that they are related to immigrants who cam to the US from somewhere else.

k) They pretend that they are the party of fiscal responsibility because it sounds good while demonstrating a lack of fiscal knowledge of any kind.  Just saying “no” to spending for things that protect people, improve the lives of people, or the environment is not showing responsibility; it is a short-term answer to financial responsibility that will become a problem later (the principle of “kicking the can down the road”).

l) That the Republican Party is the ‘party of Lincoln’ when it is as far afield from the standards of Abraham Lincoln as could be possible.  Nothing in the modern GOP aligns with a single principle of the party that Abraham Lincoln was a member of.

4) I want to take a moment to remind all of you that despite all that you read about or hear about:

a) 99% of people are not suffering from a chronic disease like CVD, diabetes, or ESRD

b) 99% of people are not in prison or planning to commit a crime

c) 99% of babies do not have a bad birth or are otherwise damaged during the birth

d) 99% of people do try to get along with each other

e) 99% of people are doing their best not to be racist or behave in a racist way

f) 99% of people are trying to drive well

g) 99% of countries are not planning to go to war with 99% of other countries

h) 99% of people have a roof over their head and food to eat

i) 99% of people are not being raped or sexually molested

j) 99% of marriages are working pretty well

k) 99% of people who want to be employed have a job

l) 99% of people want a safe and clean environment

m) 99% of people are afraid of climate change

n) 99% of people want honest politicians who represent them well

REMEMBER: most people most of the time want things to be good for everyone.  We hear only the bad news because it is unique and is about a small percentage of bad people.

5) Why do people who have strong opinions about issues in politics think that writing or discussing or tweeting their opinions will make one bit of difference to the people they think need to be ‘informed’?  You write and read and watch from sites that you are interested in and not the people who you think need to get their news from your sources – those people intentionally avoid your sources.

To make this clear: you are speaking into a cardboard box with a fake microphone that serves the purpose of you thinking that you are reaching a audience.  It is all make-believe to comfort you and calm you while the people in charge are going about their ‘business as usual’.

Has there ever been a person who stated “I felt the opposite on this issue but when I read (or heard) that opposing viewpoint I was swayed by their words and sense of purpose and changed my mind”.  The only people who have changed their mind about anything in my memory have been the thousands of unvaccinated people who barely survive COVID-19 who ‘wake up’ to how dangerous the virus is and now state that they were wrong about vaccines (but still won’t tell their family and friends to get vaccinated).

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