Exercise: It’s The Fountain Of Youth

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Exercise: It’s The Fountain Of Youth

As it turns out, the fountain of youth is not some mystical place in the forest, it’s located inside you.  Here’s what this is all about:  According to Science Daily, December 2, 2010, “Prof. Dafna Benayahu and her team at Tel Aviv University’s Sackler School of Medicine say their findings explain, for the first time, why older people who have exercised throughout their lives age more gracefully. They have discovered how endurance exercise increases the number of muscle stem cells and enhances their ability to rejuvenate old muscles.”

        Normally, as we age, we experience a decline in muscle mass and function. This research found that exercise INCREASED the number of muscle stem cells.

        According to the Science Daily article, “The researchers believe that a decline in the number of these cells and their functionality may prevent proper maintenance of muscle mass and its ability to repair itself, leading to muscle deterioration.” The researchers of this study now dream of the day when they can develop a drug that will “increase muscle mass and ameliorate the negative effects of aging.”

        But, maybe the answer is not always in a new drug?  Maybe the answer should be simple like the information revealed in that study. And that information is…

        Why take decades of research and unknown amounts of money in an attempt to develop a drug that may not work or have side effects when you can simply exercise? Yes, it would be nice to sit on the couch and eat ice cream and take this wonder drug these researchers are imagining for “someday.”  But, the reality is you can activate the fountain of youth that is found inside you TODAY if you are willing to put in a little effort.  As always – the choice is yours! 
Important Information
Every Parent Should Know
        The amount of daily exercise that separates fit kids from unfit kids is small – but the impact on their lives may be enormous.  Here’s why: A December 7, 2010 article in the USA Today said,“Normal-weight children get 16 more minutes of physical activity a day than their obese peers, a new study shows. And overall, girls do 20 minutes less physical activity a day than boys.”

        Considering a third of American children are overweight or obese, which can lead to all kinds of serious health problems, this is a very big issue.

        According to the study, published in the December issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine:

  • Normal-weight children, ages 6 to 17, are moderately to vigorously active for 59 minutes a day, compared with 43 minutes for obese children in this age range.
  • Overall, boys ages 6 to 17 are active an average of about 64 minutes a day, compared with 44 minutes for girls in this same age range.
  • Girls need to get more exercise to establish an active lifestyle, which will help with weight control and reduce their risk of diseases (like cancer) as adults, according to the study’s lead author, Britni Belcher.

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