Extreme Anger Increases Risk of Heart Disease

Extreme Anger Increases Risk of Heart Disease

Abundant evidence suggests anger can be damaging – both emotionally and physically – but the type of anger can make a difference in the health risks. For example, a  recent study classified anger into three categories:
  • Constructive anger – discussing to resolve the situation
  • Destructive anger justification – blaming others for one’s anger
  • Destructive anger rumination – brooding over an anger-inducing incident.
According to the research results, “higher levels of destructive anger justification was associated with a 31% increased risk of CHD (coronary heart disease) in both sexes.” In addition, destructive anger justification was also “predicted CHD incidence.”
The moral to this story seems clear: It’s better to forgive than induce your own heart disease.

via Blogger http://chiropractic-lane.blogspot.com/2013/08/extreme-anger-increases-risk-of-heart.html