Foods With Great A-Peel For Your Health! 07105

Foods With Great A-Peel For Your Health!

There are many uses for fruit and vegetable peels than finding ‘banana peel’ humor in another person’s minor mishap. They’re loaded with phytonutrients that can keep you from slipping into poor health

Tip: Wash skins very well and use organic produce if you’re eating the peel.

Peach skin delivers almost twice the number of polyphenols as peach flesh — and a lot more fiber. A lab study showed that peach peel helps tamp down oxidative damage in the kidneys, liver and brain.

Eggplant skin (that’s purple) contains a powerful antioxidant called nasunin that tamps down inflammation and a flavonoid called anthocyanins that promotes visual acuity, may protect against cancers and protects cardiovascular health.

Apple peels are highly appealing, for flavor and crunch — and their nutrients. A raw apple with skin contains up to 312% more vitamin K, 70% more vitamin A, 35% more calcium and potassium and 30% more vitamin C than a peeled apple. Also, skin a medium apple and you get about 2 grams of fiber; retain the peel and you’ll get 4.4 grams.

Watermelon rind is edible — raw, pickled or sauteed — and contains the amino acid citrulline, which boosts the libido, improves erectile dysfunction and dilates blood vessels, and the rind has fiber that eases digestion.

via Blogger