Get Your Vaccination – Do It For Your Dog or Cat! 07105

Get Your Vaccination – Do It For Your Dog or cat!

It turns out that when a pet owner gets COVID-19, 67% of housecats and 43% of dogs also become infected. 

That’s the conclusion of researchers from Canada’s University of Guelph, who did a study of 48 cats and 54 dogs from 77 households in which an owner had been diagnosed with COVID-19. Their paper, presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 2021, found that while most infected pets were asymptomatic, 20% of the dogs experienced lack of energy and loss of appetite, a cough or diarrhea; 27% of cats ended up with a runny nose and difficulty breathing.

The researchers’ advice: If you get COVID-19, stay away from your pet, and don’t allow it to sleep with you. Also smart: If you have COVID-19 in your house, keep your pet away from other people and pets. Once a cat or dog becomes infected, pet-to-pet and pet-to-human transmission cannot be ruled out say the researchers.

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