Go green to reverse cardiovascular disease (Roizon article)

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Go green to reverse cardiovascular disease

The Framingham Heart Study found that more than 60% of folks age 70 and older have aortic stiffness that’s crept up on them over the past 20 years. The aorta is the largest artery in the body and has several sections that transport blood from the heart to the circulatory system. Its stiffening is directly correlated with increased risks for heart attack and stroke. Once stiffness has developed, the chance that surgery may be needed to restore optimal blood flow increases enormously — until now.

Researchers have discovered that the Green Mediterranean Diet actually reverses aortic stiffness over time, improving cardiovascular health. That eating plan concentrates on green leafy and cruciferous vegetables, legumes, walnuts, green tea, green smoothiesespecially using duckweed (similar to watercress), salmon, and roasted root vegetables.

The study’s participants all had proximal aortic stiffness. For 18 months, some were put on a standard healthy diet, some did a standard Mediterranean diet and some the Green Mediterranean plan. The two Mediterranean diets were 1,500 to 1,800 calories daily for men and 1,200 to 1,400 for women and included 1 ounce of walnuts daily. The “green” version added in 3 to 4 cups of green tea and a shake made with duckweed each day. 

The Greenies saw their PAS decline by 15%; the Mediterranean diet folks by 7.3% and the standard “healthy” diet by 4.8%.

via Blogger https://bit.ly/43biykL