High-Sugar/Fat Diet Tied to High Insulin, Subsequent Hypertension

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High-Sugar/Fat Diet Tied to High Insulin, Subsequent Hypertension

Most doctors and many laypersons are aware that eating a diet high in sugar and/or fat is unhealthy, but now a new study connects a couple more dots, revealing that such diets are associated with a greater likelihood of having high insulin levels, which in turn seems to be linked with a heightened risk of hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy.
Specifically, researchers identified this increased risk in participants in the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study who ate a “sweets/fat” diet or a high-sugar (Southern) diet, whereas having a “plant-based” or an “alcohol/salad” diet was associated with a lower risk of these outcomes.
The findings from this cross-sectional, observational study will need to be confirmed in further research, Barbara Gower, PhD, from the department of nutrition science, University of Alabama at Birmingham, cautioned, presenting these results in an oral abstract session at Obesity Week 2015.

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