Let’s Get Rid of Belly Fat

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Let’s Get Rid of Belly Fat

Shape matters. If yours resembles a snowman or snow-woman (you know, three circles on top of each other), you’re ready for the four-step, bulging-belly makeover. Your goal: guys — a waist 35 inches or smaller; gals — 32.5 or smaller. Your reward: a flatter stomach, stronger heart feeling great!

We want you to ditch the front flab faster than Kim Kardashian goes through marriages, because belly fat elevates bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, spikes blood sugar and insulin resistance, and increases inflammation and blood pressure. Plus, it increases the risk of osteoarthritis and prostate and breast cancers, and ups the odds for dementia 80 percent. 

The good news? As your body loses that muffin top, you’re repairing your health. So say bye-bye to belly fat and … 

1. Hello, Fiber! A combo of apples, pears, peas, beans, oatmeal and strawberries can give you 10 grams of soluble fiber a day — what you need to chase away belly fat. 

2. Greetings, 100-Percent Whole Grains. Three servings a day of whole grains (oatmeal, two slices of 100-percent whole-wheat bread) — and no refined grain — could shrink belly fat by 10 percent. 

3. Welcome, Sweat Equity. A daily 30-minute fast walk, bike ride or swim burns off fat. Do it for a month; then add 20 minutes of strength training to fuel the fat-burning fires. 

4. Howdy, Slumber-Time. If you get seven to eight and a half hours of sleep a night you’re twice as likely to burn the fat and keep it off as someone who snoozes two to three hours less each night. 

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