Maternal Diabetes Linked to Childhood Kidney Disease

Maternal Diabetes Linked to Childhood Kidney Disease

Children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are highly likely to have an abnormal prenatal history. Low birth weight, maternal gestational diabetes mellitus, and maternal obesity all affect the risk for childhood CKD.

Christine Hsu, MD, from the University of Washington in Seattle, and colleagues published the results of their population-based case control study online April 17 in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. They evaluated 1994 patients with CKD diagnosed from 1987 to 2008 and 20,032 control patients. The study lacked maternal body mass index data from 44.4% of patients with CKD and 47.7% of control patients.

“[W]e have demonstrated significant associations between childhood CKD and primary prenatal exposures of low birth weight and maternal factors, including [gestational diabetes mellitus], [pregestational diabetes mellitus], overweight and obesity. We identified cases of CKD with structural kidney malformations, one of the criteria for CKD according to both [the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative] and [Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes]. The [Washington] birth record linkage enabled the largest study to date of these hypotheses,” the authors write.

“[P]revious data demonstrate that if we educate and provide intensive [diabetes mellitus] care early to diabetic mothers, the rate of congenital malformations in births to diabetic mothers decreases to levels comparable to non-diabetic mothers. Additionally, children with CKD were significantly more likely to have obese mothers; thus our data underscores the potential impact of maternal obesity on future generations,” the authors conclude.


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