No Tattoo for You!

Let me make this clear: I do not think tattoos are a good idea.  

It is like a clear message: if this person is willing to make a bad decision that they will regret later, what else are they willing to do that they will regret later?

Tattoos are like marriage:  they are easy to get yourself talked into, very difficult to get out of without a professional assisting you.

The number of tat removals in the U.S. hit 100,000 in 2011, according to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, up from around 86,000 in 2010. And every year should see thousands more. That comes as no surprise; a Harris poll found 1 in 8 American adults with tattoos regrets getting one. As someone once said, “A tattoo is a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling.” 

The most popular method of tattoo removal uses lasers (dermabrasion and surgery are the other alternatives). That’s because in the right hands (a board certified, licensed dermatologist or plastic surgeon) colors can be zapped away using various laser densities, and effective after-treatment minimizes scarring. 

So our advice? Think (twice) before you ink. It seems the most common problem associated with having toxins etched into your skin is how to get rid of them. You might want to consider veggie dye ink. Your tat artist may have to special order it for you, but it can be removed much less painfully. 

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