Nordic Walking better Than Other Workouts on Functional Outcome in CVD 07105

Nordic Walking better Than Other Workouts on Functional Outcome in CVD

Nordic walking was significantly better at improving functional capacity than moderate- to vigorous-intensity continuous training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in a single-center randomized controlled trial.

Participants who did Nordic walking saw better improvements in functional capacity, measured using the 6-minute walk test distances, than did individuals doing either of the other exercise strategies (interaction effect, = .010).

From baseline to 26 weeks, the average changes in 6-minute walk test distance were 55.6 m and 59.9 m for moderate- to vigorous-intensity continuous training and HIIT, respectively, but 94.2 m in the Nordic walking group, reported Tasuku Terada, PhD, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ontario, Canada, and colleagues.

Previous research looked at these results at the end of a 12-week supervised exercise intervention and showed that although all three strategies were safe and had positive effects on physical and mental health in these patients, Nordic walking had a better effect in raising the 6-minute walk test scores than moderate- to vigorous-intensity continuous training and HIIT, the researchers note.

“This study is a follow-up on the previous study to show that Nordic walking had greater sustained effects even after the observation phase,” from 12 to 26 weeks, Terada said in an interview.

“Exercise is a medicine to improve the health of patients, but unfortunately, sometimes it is not as often utilized,” Terada told | Medscape Cardiology.

Can J Cardiol. Published online June 14, 2022. AbstractEditorial

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