Reduce Bladder Cancer Risk

Reduce Bladder Cancer Risk

There is an overwhelming amount of supportive medical literature on the problems associated with chlorine in tap water.

There are literally hundreds of halogenated chemicals detected in tap water.
You may ask why this is important.

The reason is because chlorine (which is in all municipal water supplies), and its many byproducts and related water chemicals have all been linked to higher rates of human bladder cancer.

Chlorine has been found to tie up important detox enzymes triggering everything from bladder cancers to childhood leukemia, birth defects like CP, and other results of gene mutations.

Our drinking “and” bathing waters MUST be purified.
The sad thing is a lot of this has been known for over two decades and most people simply are not aware of the dangers.

Two important things in your arsenal should be to (1) drink spring water or filtered water and (2) use a shower filter to reduce chlorine.

Don’t forget the bladder is the last stop for many toxins on their way out of the body and it’s really silly to be ingesting or bathing in water that is not optimal.

As a functional medicine practitioner, I encourage all of my patients to seriously consider purchasing “clean” water and without a doubt use a water filtration product to reduce the chlorine when taking a shower.

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