Reverse Color Blindness?  07105

Reverse Color Blindness

What do hair dressers, artists, fashion industry folks, designers, construction workers, painters and other similar occupations have in common?

They all depend on color discrimination for their work.

Statistically, 8% of the US population suffers from color blindness.

Unfortunately, the onset of color blindness is a slow process and many folks often don’t even know they have lost it.

Researchers have discovered that many environmental toxins make color discrimination fade with time.

Chief among the toxins linked to color blindness include TCE, PCE (tetracholoethylene and perchloroethylene). These are more commonly known as dry cleaning fluids.

These toxins are very common solvents in many industries.

Other toxins can induce color blindness like mercury or phthalates from food packaging, nail polish, plastic water bottles, etc.

In addition to color blindness they may also be the cause of other symptoms like brain fog, dwindling memory and poor attention.

The bottom line is you need to detoxify.

The takeaway is color blindness can be considered an early sign of toxic exposure.

I recommend finding a functional medicine practitioner skilled in the proper application and administration of detoxification. Don’t make the mistake of using one of those over-the-counter detox formulas.

It is best to have someone trained in functional medicine who has a thorough understanding of the proper clinical strategies to detoxify. Chiropractic Lane is considering entering this line of medicine, but we are held back by two factors (1) insurance will not pay for this so this would be a CASH medical treatment (of at least 2 treatments) but the lab testing could be charged to insurance, (2) we are not sure of the interest in making our office a part-time Functional Medicine clinic.

If you think you would interested in our pursuing this line of medicine, please call us at 973-344-5656 and inform us of your interest and would medical problem you are facing that you believe could be resolved with a functional medicine approach.


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